Spring Data Key-Value

Spring Data Key-Value Distribution 1.0.0.M2 API

This document is the API specification for the Spring Data project.


Spring Data Key Value Core


Spring Data Redis Support
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis Root package for integrating Redis with Spring concepts.
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.connection Connection package providing low-level abstractions for interacting with the various Redis 'drivers'/libraries.
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.connection.jedis Connection package for Jedis library.
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.connection.jredis Connection package for JRedis library.
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.core Core package for integrating Redis with Spring concepts.
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.listener Base package for Redis message listener / pubsub container facility
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.listener.adapter Message listener adapter package.
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.serializer Serialization/Deserialization package for converting Object to (and from) binary data.
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support Classes supporting the Redis packages, such as collection or atomic counters.
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support.atomic Small toolkit mirroring the java.util.atomic package in Redis.
org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.support.collections Package providing implementations for most of the java.util collections on top of Redis.


Spring Data Riak Support


This document is the API specification for the Spring Data project.

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Spring Data Key-Value

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