Spring Data Key-Value

Package org.springframework.data.keyvalue.riak.mapreduce

Interface Summary
MapReduceJob<T> A generic interface to representing a Map/Reduce job to a data store that supports that operation.
MapReduceOperation A generic interface to a Map/Reduce operation.
MapReduceOperations Generic interface to Map/Reduce in data stores that support it.
MapReducePhase A generic interface to the phases of Map/Reduce jobs.

Class Summary
ErlangMapReduceOperation An implementation of MapReduceOperation to represent an Erlang M/R function, which must be already defined inside the Riak server.
JavascriptMapReduceOperation An implementation of MapReduceOperation to describe a Javascript language M/R function.
RiakMapReduceJob An implementation of MapReduceJob for the Riak data store.
RiakMapReducePhase An implementation of MapReducePhase for the Riak data store.

Enum Summary

Spring Data Key-Value

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