Spring Data JPA

Package org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.support

JPA repository implementations.


Interface Summary
JpaEntityInformation<T,ID extends Serializable> Extension of EntityInformation to capture aditional JPA specific information about entities.
LockMetadataProvider Interface to abstract LockMetadataProvider that provide the LockModeType to be used for query execution.

Class Summary
JpaEntityInformationSupport<T,ID extends Serializable> Base class for JpaEntityInformation implementations to share common method implementations.
JpaMetamodelEntityInformation<T,ID extends Serializable> Implementation of EntityInformation that uses JPA Metamodel to find the domain class' id field.
JpaPersistableEntityInformation<T extends Persistable<ID>,ID extends Serializable> Extension of JpaMetamodelEntityInformation that consideres methods of Persistable to lookup the id.
JpaRepositoryFactory JPA specific generic repository factory.
JpaRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends Repository<S,ID>,S,ID extends Serializable> Special adapter for Springs FactoryBean interface to allow easy setup of repository factories via Spring configuration.
Querydsl Helper instance to ease access to Querydsl JPA query API.
QueryDslJpaRepository<T,ID extends Serializable> QueryDsl specific extension of SimpleJpaRepository which adds implementation for QueryDslPredicateExecutor.
QueryDslRepositorySupport Base class for implementing repositories using QueryDsl library.
SimpleJpaRepository<T,ID extends Serializable> Default implementation of the CrudRepository interface.

Enum Summary
LockModeRepositoryPostProcessor RepositoryProxyPostProcessor that sets up interceptors to read LockModeType information from the invoked method.
PersistenceProvider Enumeration representing peristence providers to be used.

Package org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.support Description

JPA repository implementations.

Spring Data JPA

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