Spring Data MongoDB

Class MongoOptionsFactoryBean

  extended by org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoOptionsFactoryBean
All Implemented Interfaces:
FactoryBean<com.mongodb.MongoOptions>, InitializingBean

public class MongoOptionsFactoryBean
extends Object
implements FactoryBean<com.mongodb.MongoOptions>, InitializingBean

A factory bean for construction of a MongoOptions instance

Graeme Rocher

Field Summary
 boolean socketKeepAlive
          This controls whether or not to have socket keep alive turned on (SO_KEEPALIVE).
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
 com.mongodb.MongoOptions getObject()
 Class<?> getObjectType()
 boolean isSingleton()
 void setAutoConnectRetry(boolean autoConnectRetry)
          this controls whether or not on a connect, the system retries automatically
 void setConnectionsPerHost(int connectionsPerHost)
          number of connections allowed per host will block if run out
 void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout)
          connect timeout in milliseconds. 0 is default and infinite
 void setMaxAutoConnectRetryTime(long maxAutoConnectRetryTime)
          The maximum amount of time in millisecons to spend retrying to open connection to the same server.
 void setMaxWaitTime(int maxWaitTime)
          max wait time of a blocking thread for a connection
 void setSlaveOk(boolean slaveOk)
          Specifies if the driver is allowed to read from secondaries or slaves.
 void setSocketKeepAlive(boolean socketKeepAlive)
          This controls whether or not to have socket keep alive
 void setSocketTimeout(int socketTimeout)
          socket timeout. 0 is default and infinite
 void setThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier(int threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier)
          multiplier for connectionsPerHost for # of threads that can block if connectionsPerHost is 10, and threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier is 5, then 50 threads can block more than that and an exception will be throw
 void setWriteFsync(boolean writeFsync)
          This controls whether or not to fsync.
 void setWriteNumber(int writeNumber)
          This specifies the number of servers to wait for on the write operation, and exception raising behavior.
 void setWriteTimeout(int writeTimeout)
          This controls timeout for write operations in milliseconds.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean socketKeepAlive
This controls whether or not to have socket keep alive turned on (SO_KEEPALIVE). defaults to false

Constructor Detail


public MongoOptionsFactoryBean()
Method Detail


public void setConnectionsPerHost(int connectionsPerHost)
number of connections allowed per host will block if run out


public void setThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier(int threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier)
multiplier for connectionsPerHost for # of threads that can block if connectionsPerHost is 10, and threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier is 5, then 50 threads can block more than that and an exception will be throw


public void setMaxWaitTime(int maxWaitTime)
max wait time of a blocking thread for a connection


public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout)
connect timeout in milliseconds. 0 is default and infinite


public void setSocketTimeout(int socketTimeout)
socket timeout. 0 is default and infinite


public void setSocketKeepAlive(boolean socketKeepAlive)
This controls whether or not to have socket keep alive

socketKeepAlive -


public void setWriteNumber(int writeNumber)
This specifies the number of servers to wait for on the write operation, and exception raising behavior. The 'w' option to the getlasterror command. Defaults to 0.

writeNumber - the number of servers to wait for on the write operation, and exception raising behavior.


public void setWriteTimeout(int writeTimeout)
This controls timeout for write operations in milliseconds. The 'wtimeout' option to the getlasterror command.

writeTimeout - Defaults to 0 (indefinite). Greater than zero is number of milliseconds to wait.


public void setWriteFsync(boolean writeFsync)
This controls whether or not to fsync. The 'fsync' option to the getlasterror command. Defaults to false.

writeFsync - to fsync on write (true), otherwise false.


public void setAutoConnectRetry(boolean autoConnectRetry)
this controls whether or not on a connect, the system retries automatically


public void setMaxAutoConnectRetryTime(long maxAutoConnectRetryTime)
The maximum amount of time in millisecons to spend retrying to open connection to the same server. Default is 0, which means to use the default 15s if autoConnectRetry is on.

maxAutoConnectRetryTime - the maxAutoConnectRetryTime to set


public void setSlaveOk(boolean slaveOk)
Specifies if the driver is allowed to read from secondaries or slaves. Defaults to false.

slaveOk - true if the driver should read from secondaries or slaves.


public void afterPropertiesSet()
Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean


public com.mongodb.MongoOptions getObject()
Specified by:
getObject in interface FactoryBean<com.mongodb.MongoOptions>


public Class<?> getObjectType()
Specified by:
getObjectType in interface FactoryBean<com.mongodb.MongoOptions>


public boolean isSingleton()
Specified by:
isSingleton in interface FactoryBean<com.mongodb.MongoOptions>

Spring Data MongoDB

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