Spring Data MongoDB

Uses of Class

Packages that use GeoResult

Uses of GeoResult in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.geo

Methods in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.geo that return types with arguments of type GeoResult
 List<GeoResult<T>> GeoResults.getContent()
          Returns the actual
 Iterator<GeoResult<T>> GeoResults.iterator()

Constructor parameters in org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.geo with type arguments of type GeoResult
GeoResults(List<GeoResult<T>> results)
          Creates a new GeoResults instance manually calculating the average distance from the distance values of the given GeoResults.
GeoResults(List<GeoResult<T>> results, Distance averageDistance)
          Creates a new GeoResults instance from the given GeoResults and average distance.
GeoResults(List<GeoResult<T>> results, Metric metric)

Spring Data MongoDB

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