Spring Data MongoDB

Class ConvertingParameterAccessor

  extended by org.springframework.data.mongodb.repository.query.ConvertingParameterAccessor
All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<Object>, MongoParameterAccessor, ParameterAccessor

public class ConvertingParameterAccessor
extends Object
implements MongoParameterAccessor

Custom ParameterAccessor that uses a MongoWriter to serialize parameters into Mongo format.

Oliver Gierke

Nested Class Summary
static interface ConvertingParameterAccessor.PotentiallyConvertingIterator
          Custom Iterator that adds a method to access elements in a converted manner.
Constructor Summary
ConvertingParameterAccessor(MongoWriter<?> writer, MongoParameterAccessor delegate)
          Creates a new ConvertingParameterAccessor with the given MongoWriter and delegate.
Method Summary
 Object getBindableValue(int index)
 Point getGeoNearLocation()
          Returns the Point to use for a geo-near query.
 Distance getMaxDistance()
          Returns a Distance to be applied to Mongo geo queries.
 Pageable getPageable()
 Sort getSort()
 boolean hasBindableNullValue()
 ConvertingParameterAccessor.PotentiallyConvertingIterator iterator()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConvertingParameterAccessor(MongoWriter<?> writer,
                                   MongoParameterAccessor delegate)
Creates a new ConvertingParameterAccessor with the given MongoWriter and delegate.

writer - must not be null.
delegate - must not be null.
Method Detail


public ConvertingParameterAccessor.PotentiallyConvertingIterator iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface Iterable<Object>
Specified by:
iterator in interface ParameterAccessor


public Pageable getPageable()
Specified by:
getPageable in interface ParameterAccessor


public Sort getSort()
Specified by:
getSort in interface ParameterAccessor


public Object getBindableValue(int index)
Specified by:
getBindableValue in interface ParameterAccessor


public Distance getMaxDistance()
Description copied from interface: MongoParameterAccessor
Returns a Distance to be applied to Mongo geo queries.

Specified by:
getMaxDistance in interface MongoParameterAccessor
the maximum distance to apply to the geo query or null if there's no Distance parameter at all or the given value for it was null.


public Point getGeoNearLocation()
Description copied from interface: MongoParameterAccessor
Returns the Point to use for a geo-near query.

Specified by:
getGeoNearLocation in interface MongoParameterAccessor


public boolean hasBindableNullValue()
Specified by:
hasBindableNullValue in interface ParameterAccessor

Spring Data MongoDB

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