Spring BlazeDS Integration

Package org.springframework.flex.security3

Integration support for Spring Security.


Class Summary
AntPathRequestMatcher Matcher which compares a pre-defined ant-style pattern against the URL (servletPath + pathInfo) of an HttpServletRequest.
AuthenticationResultUtils Helper that ensures consistent handling of a Spring Security Authentication, providing translation to a structure that will be useful to a Flex client in determining the credentials of an authenticated user.
EndpointInterceptor Security interceptor that secures messages being passed to BlazeDS endpoints based on the security attributes configured for the endpoint being invoked.
EndpointSecurityMetadataSource Implementation of SecurityMetadataSource for BlazeDS Endpoints.
FlexAuthenticationEntryPoint An AuthenticationEntryPoint implementation to be used in conjunction with an authentication process that is completely driven by a Flex client, i.e. by presenting a Flex-based login UI and using the client-side ChannelSet API to commence authentication.
FlexSessionAwareSessionAuthenticationStrategy Delegating implementation of SessionAuthenticationStrategy that ensures proper handling of the FlexSession when session fixation protection is enabled.
LoginMessageInterceptor MessageInterceptor implementation that replaces the standard login success message with one that contains relevant information about the logged in user.
PerClientAuthenticationInterceptor MessageInterceptor implementation that handles setup and teardown of the SecurityContext for the current request when using per-client authentication.
SecurityConfigurationPostProcessor Infrastructure class for setting up the necessary integration points with Spring Security.
SecurityExceptionTranslator Translates SpringSecurityExceptions to appropriate BlazeDS SecurityExceptions.
SpringSecurityLoginCommand Custom BlazeDS LoginCommand that uses Spring Security for Authentication and Authorization.

Package org.springframework.flex.security3 Description

Integration support for Spring Security.

Spring BlazeDS Integration

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