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Class org.springframework.oxm.castor.CastorMarshaller

Removed Methods
boolean isSuppressNamespaces() Returns whether this marshaller should output namespaces.
boolean isSuppressXsiType() Sets whether this marshaller should output the xsi:type attribute.

Added Methods
void setCastorProperties(Map<String, String>) Set Castor-specific properties for marshalling and unmarshalling.
void setClassDescriptorResolver(XMLClassDescriptorResolver) Set the XMLClassDescriptorResolver to be used during unmarshalling.
void setDoctypes(Map<String, String>) Set the map containing document type definition for the marshaller.
void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) Set the EntityResolver to be used during unmarshalling.
void setIdResolver(IDResolver) Set the Castor IDResolver to be used during unmarshalling.
void setObjectFactory(ObjectFactory) Set the Castor ObjectFactory to be used during unmarshalling.
void setRootObject(Object) Set the expected root object for the unmarshaller, into which the source will be unmarshalled.

Changed Methods
void afterPropertiesSet() Change from final to non-final.
void setObject(Object) Now deprecated.
in favor of {@link #setRootObject}