Spring Data GemFire 1.1.0.RELEASE API

This document is the API specification for the Spring GemFire project.


Spring GemFire
org.springframework.data.gemfire Package providing integration of GemFire with Spring concepts.
org.springframework.data.gemfire.client Classes providing support for GemFire client configuration.
org.springframework.data.gemfire.listener Base package for GemFire continuous query listener / container facility
org.springframework.data.gemfire.listener.adapter Continuous query listener adapter package.
org.springframework.data.gemfire.serialization Classes supporting the org.springframework.data.gemfire package.
org.springframework.data.gemfire.server Support package for GemFire CacheServer.
org.springframework.data.gemfire.support Support package for Spring Gemfire integration.


This document is the API specification for the Spring GemFire project.

If you are interested in commercial training, consultancy and support for the Spring GemFire project, SpringSource provides such commercial support.