Spring for Apache Hadoop

Package org.springframework.data.hadoop.hive

Package providing integration with Apache Hive.


Interface Summary
HiveClientCallback<T> Callback interface for Hive code.
HiveClientFactory Factory for retrieving a HiveClient instance.
HiveOperations Interface specifying a basic set of Hive operations.

Class Summary
HiveClientFactoryBean FactoryBean for easy declaration and creation of a HiveClient using ThriftHive.
HiveExecutor Common class for configuring and executing Hive scripts.
HiveRunner Basic runner for Hive scripts inside a Spring environment.
HiveScript Holder class for a Hive script.
HiveServerFactoryBean FactoryBean for easy declaration and creation of an embeddable Hive server.
HiveTemplate Helper class that simplifies Hive data access code.

Package org.springframework.data.hadoop.hive Description

Package providing integration with Apache Hive.

Spring for Apache Hadoop