Spring for Apache Hadoop

Package org.springframework.yarn.fs

Interface Summary
LocalResourcesSelector LocalResourcesSelector builds and selects a list of LocalResourcesSelector.Entrys having information about a path and a LocalResourceType of that path.
ResourceLocalizer ResourceLocalizer is a simple interface used during a container launch to determine a localized resources.
SmartResourceLocalizer SmartResourceLocalizer provides additional functionality on top of ResourceLocalizer order to handle more fine grained handling of resource localizing.

Class Summary
AbstractLocalResourcesSelector Base implementation for LocalResourcesSelector supporting simple use cases where user needs to localise properties, zip and jar files.
AbstractResourceLocalizer Base implementation of ResourceLocalizer.
DefaultResourceLocalizer Default implementation of ResourceLocalizer which is only capable of re-using files already in HDFS and preparing correct parameters for created LocalResource entries.
LocalResourcesFactoryBean Factory bean building ResourceLocalizers objects.
LocalResourcesFactoryBean.CopyEntry Helper class storing copy entries.
LocalResourcesFactoryBean.RawCopyEntry Helper class storing raw copy entries.
LocalResourcesFactoryBean.TransferEntry Helper class storing transfer entries.
LocalResourcesSelector.Entry Entrys used by this interface.

Spring for Apache Hadoop