Spring for Apache Hadoop

Package org.springframework.yarn.listener

Interface Summary
AppmasterStateListener Interface used for appmaster to notify its state.
ContainerAllocatorListener Interface used for allocator to notify newly allocated and completed containers.
ContainerMonitorListener Interface used for monitor to state of the monitor.
ContainerStateListener Interface used for container to notify its state.

Class Summary
AbstractCompositeListener<T> Base implementation for all composite listeners.
CompositeAppmasterStateListener Composite listener for handling appmaster state events.
CompositeContainerAllocatorListener Composite listener for handling allocation events.
CompositeContainerMonitorStateListener Composite listener for handling container monitor events.
CompositeContainerStateListener Composite listener for handling container state events.
ContainerMonitorListener.ContainerMonitorState Class holding state info.
OrderedComposite<S> Composite item which can be used in other components which may want to allow automatic and annotation based ordering.

Enum Summary
AppmasterStateListener.AppmasterState Enum for appmaster states
ContainerStateListener.ContainerState Enum for container states

Spring for Apache Hadoop