Spring for Apache Hadoop

Package org.springframework.yarn.support

Class Summary
AbstractExpressionEvaluator Base class providing common functionality for using Spring expression language.
AnnotatedMethodFilter A MethodFilter implementation that enables the following: matching on method name, if available exclusion of void-returning methods if 'requiresReply' is true limiting to annotated methods if at least one is present
ExpressionUtils Utility class with static methods for helping with establishing environments for SpEL expressions.
FixedMethodFilter A MethodFilter implementation that will always return the same Method instance within a single-element list if it is present in the candidate list.
LifecycleObjectSupport Convenient base class for object which needs spring task scheduler, task executor and life cycle handling.
NetworkUtils Various network utilities.
ParsingUtils Various static string and parsing utilities.
PollingTaskSupport<T> Helper class to ease working with polling tasks executed using Spring TaskScheduler and TaskExecutor.
UniqueMethodFilter A ReflectionUtils.MethodFilter implementation that will match unique methods.
YarnContextUtils Utility methods for accessing common components from the BeanFactory.
YarnUtils Different utilities.

Spring for Apache Hadoop