Package org.springframework.integration.adapter.file

Interface Summary
FileNameGenerator Strategy interface for generating a file name from a message.

Class Summary
AbstractDirectorySource<T> Base class for implementing a PollableSource that creates messages from files in a directory, either local or remote.
AbstractFileMessageCreator<T> Base class providing common behavior for file-based message creators.
Backlog<T> Tracks changes in a collection.
ByteArrayFileMessageCreator A MessageCreator implementation for messages with a byte array payload.
DefaultFileNameGenerator Default implementation of the filename generator strategy.
FileInfo Information about a file in a directory.
FileMessageCreator A MessageCreator that creates Message instances with the absolute path to the File as payload.
FileSource A messaging source that polls a directory to retrieve files.
FileTarget A message target for writing files.
RegexPatternFilenameFilter A FilenameFilter implementation for matching against a regular expression Pattern.
SimpleFileMessageMapper A default MessageMapper for FileTarget, converting payloads of the File, byte[] and String types to files.
TextFileMessageCreator A MessageCreator implementation for creating messages with a String payload from a File.