Package org.springframework.integration.annotation

Annotation Types Summary
Aggregator Indicates that a method is capable of aggregating messages.
ChannelAdapter Indicates that a class is capable of serving as a message channel.
CompletionStrategy Indicates that a method is capable of asserting if a list of messages or payload objects is complete.
Concurrency Defines the ConcurrencyPolicy settings for a @MessageEndpoint.
Handler Indicates that a method is capable of handling a message or message payload.
MessageEndpoint Indicates that a class is capable of serving as a message endpoint.
MessageTarget Indicates that a method is capable of consuming messages.
Pollable Indicates that a method is capable of producing messages.
Poller Annotation that can be specified at class-level alongside a @MessageEndpoint annotation in order to provide the polling metadata and scheduling information for that endpoint.
Router Indicates that a method is capable of resolving to a channel or channel name based on a message, message header(s), or both.
Splitter Indicates that a method is capable of splitting a single message or message payload to produce multiple messages or payloads.
Subscriber Indicates that a method-invoking handler adapter should delegate to this method.
Transformer Indicates that a method is capable of transforming a message, message header, or message payload.