
Interface Summary
ChannelInterceptor Interface for interceptors that are able to view and/or modify the Messages being sent-to and/or received-from a MessageChannel.
ChannelRegistry A strategy interface for registration and lookup of message channels by name.
ChannelRegistryAware Interface to be implemented by components that need access to the ChannelRegistry.
MessageChannel Base channel interface defining common behavior for message sending and receiving.

Class Summary
AbstractMessageChannel Base class for MessageChannel implementations providing common properties such as the channel name and DispatcherPolicy.
AbstractPollableChannel Base class for all pollable channels.
ChannelPurger A utility class for purging Messages from one or more PollableChannels.
DefaultChannelRegistry A simple map-backed implementation of ChannelRegistry.
DirectChannel A channel that invokes the subscribed target(s) in the sender's thread (returning after at most one handles the message).
MessagePublishingErrorHandler ErrorHandler implementation that sends an ErrorMessage to a MessageChannel.
NullChannel A channel implementation that essentially behaves like "/dev/null".
PriorityChannel A message channel that prioritizes messages based on a PriorityChannel.MessagePriorityComparator.
QueueChannel Simple implementation of a message channel.
RendezvousChannel A zero-capacity version of QueueChannel that delegates to a SynchronousQueue internally.
ThreadLocalChannel A channel implementation that stores messages in a thread-bound queue.