Package org.springframework.integration.config

Interface Summary
BeanDefinitionRegisteringParser Simple strategy interface for parsers that are responsible for parsing an element, creating a bean definition, and then registering the bean.

Class Summary
AbstractChannelParser Base class for channel parsers.
AbstractInterceptorParser A helper class for parsing the sub-elements of an endpoint or channel-adapter's interceptors element.
AbstractMessageEndpointParser Base class parser for elements that create Message Dndpoints.
AggregatorParser Parser for the aggregator element of the integration namespace.
ChannelAdapterParser Parser for the <channel-adapter/> element.
ConcurrencyInterceptorParser Parser for the concurrency-interceptor.
DefaultChannelParser Parser for the <channel> element.
DirectChannelParser Parser for the <direct-channel> element.
HandlerParser Parser for the <handler/> element.
IntegrationNamespaceHandler Namespace handler for the integration namespace.
IntegrationNamespaceUtils Shared utility methods for integration namespace parsers.
MessageBusParser Parser for the <message-bus> element of the integration namespace.
MethodInvokingAdapterParser Parser for <source-adapter> and <target-adapter>.
PriorityChannelParser Parser for the <priority-channel> element.
PublishSubscribeChannelParser Parser for the <publish-subscribe-channel> element.
QueueChannelParser Parser for the <queue-channel> element.
RendezvousChannelParser Parser for the <rendezvous-channel> element.
ResequencerParser Parser for the <resequencer> element.
RouterParser Parser for the <router/> element.
SelectorChainParser Parser for the <selector-chain/> element.
ServiceActivatorParser Parser for the <service-activator> element.
SplitterParser Parser for the <splitter/> element.
ThreadLocalChannelParser Parser for the <thread-local-channel> element.
TransactionInterceptorParser Parser for the transaction-interceptor element.
WireTapParser Parser for the <wire-tap> element.