Package org.springframework.integration.message

Interface Summary
BlockingSource<T> Extends PollableSource and provides a timeout-aware receive method.
BlockingTarget Extends MessageTarget and provides a timeout-aware send method.
Message<T> The central interface that any Message type must implement.
MessageCreator<O,P> Strategy interface for creating a Message from an Object.
MessageDeliveryAware Interface that provides callback definitions for components that require message delivery status notifications.
MessageMapper<P,O> Strategy interface for mapping from a Message to an Object.
MessageSource<T> Base interface for any source of Messages.
MessageStore Strategy interface for storing and retrieving messages.
MessageTarget Interface for any target to which Messages can be sent.
PollableSource<T> Base interface for any source of Messages that can be polled.
SubscribableSource Interface for any source of messages that accepts subscribers.

Class Summary
AsyncMessage<T> A Message wrapper for asynchronous operations.
AsyncMessageExchangeTemplate An asynchronous version of the MessageExchangeTemplate.
DefaultMessageCreator A simple implementation of MessageCreator that uses the provide value as the Message's payload.
DefaultMessageMapper<T> A simple implementation of MessageMapper that returns the Message's payload.
ErrorMessage A message implementation that accepts a Throwable payload.
GenericMessage<T> Base Message class defining common properties such as id, payload, and headers.
MessageExchangeTemplate This is the central class for invoking message exchange operations across PollableSources and MessageTargets.
MessageHeaders The headers for a Message.
MethodInvokingSource A pollable source that invokes a no-argument method so that its return value may be sent to a channel.
RetrievalBlockingMessageStore A MessageStore implementation whose get and remove methods block until a message is available.
RetrievalBlockingMessageStore.MessageHolder A wrapper class to enable null messages in the queue.
SimpleMessageStore Map-based implementation of MessageStore that enforces capacity.
StringMessage A message implementation that accepts a String payload.

Enum Summary
MessagePriority An enumeration of the possible values for a message's priority.

Exception Summary
MessageDeliveryException Exception that indicates an error during message delivery.
MessageHandlingException Exception that indicates an error during message handling.
MessageRejectedException Exception that indicates a message has been rejected by a selector.
MessagingException The base exception for any failures within the messaging system.