3.4 MessageChannelTemplate

As you will see when the endpoints and their various configuration options are introduced, Spring Integration provides a foundation for messaging components that enables non-invasive invocation of your application code from the messaging system. However, sometimes it is necessary to invoke the messaging system from your application code. For convenience when implementing such use-cases, Spring Integration provides a MessageChannelTemplate that supports a variety of operations across the Message Channels, including request/reply scenarios. For example, it is possible to send a request and wait for a reply.

MessageChannelTemplate template = new MessageChannelTemplate();

Message reply = template.sendAndReceive(new StringMessage("test"), someChannel);

In that example, a temporary anonymous channel would be created internally by the template. The 'sendTimeout' and 'receiveTimeout' properties may also be set on the template, and other exchange types are also supported.

public boolean send(final Message<?> message, final MessageChannel channel) { ... }

public Message<?> sendAndReceive(final Message<?> request, final MessageChannel channel) { .. }

public Message<?> receive(final PollableChannel<?> channel) { ... }