3.5 Configuring Message Channels

To create a Message Channel instance, you can use the 'channel' element:

<channel id="exampleChannel"/>

The default channel type is Point to Point. To create a Publish Subscribe channel, use the "publish-subscribe-channel" element:

<publish-subscribe-channel id="exampleChannel"/>

To create a Datatype Channel that only accepts messages containing a certain payload type, provide the fully-qualified class name in the channel element's datatype attribute:

<channel id="numberChannel" datatype="java.lang.Number"/>

Note that the type check passes for any type that is assignable to the channel's datatype. In other words, the "numberChannel" above would accept messages whose payload is java.lang.Integer or java.lang.Double. Multiple types can be provided as a comma-delimited list:

<channel id="stringOrNumberChannel" datatype="java.lang.String,java.lang.Number"/>

When using the "channel" element without any sub-elements, it will create a DirectChannel instance (a SubscribableChannel).

However, you can also provide a variety of "queue" sub-elements to create the channel types (as described in Section 3.2, “Message Channel Implementations”). Examples of each are shown below.

3.5.1 DirectChannel Configuration

As mentioned above, DirectChannel is the default type.

<channel id="exampleChannel"/>

3.5.2 QueueChannel Configuration

To create a QueueChannel, use the "queue" sub-element. You may specify the channel's capacity:

<channel id="exampleChannel">
    <queue capacity="25"/>

If you do not provide a value for the 'capacity' attribute on this <queue/> sub-element, the resulting queue will be unbounded. To avoid issues such as OutOfMemoryErrors, it's highly recommended to set an explicit value for a bounded queue.

3.5.3 PublishSubscribeChannel Configuration

To create a PublishSubscribeChannel, use the "publish-subscribe-channel" element. When using this element, you can also specify the "task-executor" used for publishing Messages (if none is specified it simply publishes in the sender's thread):

<publish-subscribe-channel id="exampleChannel" task-executor="someTaskExecutor"/>

If you are providing a Resequencer or Aggregator downstream from a PublishSubscribeChannel, then you can set the 'apply-sequence' property for the channel. That will indicate that the channel should set the sequence-size and sequence-number Message headers prior to passing the Messages along. For example, if there are 5 subscribers, the sequence-size would be set to 5, and the Messages would have sequence-number header values ranging from 1 to 5. This value is 'false' by default.

<publish-subscribe-channel id="exampleChannel" apply-sequence="true"/>

3.5.4 PriorityChannel Configuration

To create a PriorityChannel, use the "priority-queue" sub-element:

<channel id="exampleChannel">
    <priority-queue capacity="20"/>

By default, the channel will consult the MessagePriority header of the message. However, a custom Comparator reference may be provided instead. Also, note that the PriorityChannel (like the other types) does support the "datatype" attribute. As with the QueueChannel, it also supports a "capacity" attribute. The following example demonstrates all of these:

<channel id="exampleChannel" datatype="example.Widget">
    <priority-queue comparator="widgetComparator"

3.5.5 RendezvousChannel Configuration

A RendezvousChannel is created when the queue sub-element is a <rendezvous-queue>. It does not provide any additional configuration options.

<channel id="exampleChannel"/>

3.5.6 ThreadLocalChannel Configuration

The ThreadLocalChannel does not provide any additional configuration options.

<thread-local-channel id="exampleChannel"/>

Message channels may also have interceptors as described in Section 3.3, “Channel Interceptors”. One or more <interceptor> elements can be added as sub-elements of <channel> (or the more specific element types). Provide the "ref" attribute to reference any Spring-managed object that implements the ChannelInterceptor interface:

<channel id="exampleChannel">
        <ref bean="trafficMonitoringInterceptor"/>

In general, it is a good idea to define the interceptor implementations in a separate location since they usually provide common behavior that can be reused across multiple channels.