Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.jms

Interface Summary
JmsHeaderMapper Strategy interface for mapping integration Message headers to an outbound JMS Message (e.g. to configure JMS properties) or extracting integration header values from an inbound JMS Message.

Class Summary
AbstractJmsTemplateBasedAdapter Base class for adapters that delegate to a JmsTemplate.
ChannelPublishingJmsMessageListener JMS MessageListener that converts a JMS Message into a Spring Integration Message and sends that Message to a channel.
DefaultJmsHeaderMapper Default implementation of JmsHeaderMapper.
DefaultMessageConverter A MessageConverter implementation that is capable of delegating to an existing converter instance.
JmsDestinationBackedMessageChannel A MessageChannel implementation that is actually backed by a JMS Destination.
JmsDestinationPollingSource A source for receiving JMS Messages with a polling listener.
JmsHeaders Pre-defined names and prefixes to be used for setting and/or retrieving JMS attributes from/to integration Message Headers.
JmsMessageDrivenEndpoint A message-driven endpoint that receive JMS messages, converts them into Spring Integration Messages, and then sends the result to a channel.
JmsOutboundGateway An outbound Messaging Gateway for request/reply JMS.
JmsSendingMessageHandler A MessageConsumer that sends the converted Message payload within a JMS Message.

Spring Integration

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