Package org.springframework.integration.ftp

Interface Summary
FtpClientFactory<T extends FTPClient> Factory for FTPClient.
FtpClientPool A pool of FTPClient instances.

Class Summary
AbstractFtpClientFactory<T extends FTPClient> base class for the other FtpClientFactory implementations.
ClientFactorySupport Factors out the client factory creation.
DefaultFtpClientFactory Default implementation of FtpClientFactory.
DefaultFtpsClientFactory provides a working FTPS implementation.
FtpFileEntryNamer A EntryNamer for FTPFile objects
FtpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizer An FTP-adapter implementation of AbstractInboundRemoteFileSystemSychronizer
FtpInboundRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSource A MessageSource implementation for FTP.
FtpRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSourceFactoryBean Factory to make building the namespace easier
FtpSendingMessageHandler A MessageHandler implementation that sends files to an FTP server.
FtpSendingMessageHandlerFactoryBean A factory bean implementation that handles constructing an outbound FTP adapter.
FtpsRemoteFileSystemSynchronizingMessageSourceFactoryBean Factory to make building the namespace easier.
FtpsSendingMessageHandlerFactoryBean Sends files to a remote FTPS file system.
QueuedFtpClientPool FtpClientPool implementation based on a Queue.