Class AbstractFileListFilter<F>

  extended by org.springframework.integration.file.filters.AbstractFileListFilter<F>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractFileLockerFilter, AbstractPatternMatchingFileListFilter, AcceptAllFileListFilter, AcceptOnceFileListFilter, SimplePatternFileListFilter

public abstract class AbstractFileListFilter<F>
extends java.lang.Object
implements FileListFilter<F>

A convenience base class for any FileListFilter whose criteria can be evaluated against each File in isolation. If the entire List of files is required for evaluation, implement the FileListFilter interface directly.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  boolean accept(F file)
          Subclasses must implement this method.
 java.util.List<F> filterFiles(F[] files)
          Filters out files and returns the files that are left in a list, or an empty list when a null is passed in.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractFileListFilter()
Method Detail


public final java.util.List<F> filterFiles(F[] files)
Filters out files and returns the files that are left in a list, or an empty list when a null is passed in.

Specified by:
filterFiles in interface FileListFilter<F>


protected abstract boolean accept(F file)
Subclasses must implement this method.