Class MongoDbMessageStore

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Iterable<MessageGroup>, BeanClassLoaderAware, MessageGroupStore, MessageStore

public class MongoDbMessageStore
extends AbstractMessageGroupStore
implements MessageStore, BeanClassLoaderAware

An implementation of both the MessageStore and MessageGroupStore strategies that relies upon MongoDB for persistence.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
MongoDbMessageStore( mongoDbFactory)
          Create a MongoDbMessageStore using the provided MongoDbFactory.and the default collection name.
MongoDbMessageStore( mongoDbFactory, java.lang.String collectionName)
          Create a MongoDbMessageStore using the provided MongoDbFactory and collection name.
Method Summary
<T> Message<T>
addMessage(Message<T> message)
          Put the provided Message into the MessageStore.
 MessageGroup addMessageToGroup(java.lang.Object groupId, Message<?> message)
          Store a message with an association to a group id.
 void completeGroup(java.lang.Object groupId)
          Completes this MessageGroup.
 Message<?> getMessage(java.util.UUID id)
          Return the Message with the given id, or null if no Message with that id exists in the MessageStore.
 long getMessageCount()
          Optional attribute giving the number of messages in the store.
 MessageGroup getMessageGroup(java.lang.Object groupId)
          Return all Messages currently in the MessageStore that were stored using MessageGroupStore.addMessageToGroup(Object, Message) with this group id.
 java.util.Iterator<MessageGroup> iterator()
          Returns the iterator of currently accumulated MessageGroups
 int messageGroupSize(java.lang.Object groupId)
          Returns the size of this MessageGroup
 Message<?> pollMessageFromGroup(java.lang.Object groupId)
          Polls Message from this MessageGroup (in FIFO style if supported by the implementation) while also removing the polled Message
 Message<?> removeMessage(java.util.UUID id)
          Remove the Message with the given id from the MessageStore, if present, and return it.
 MessageGroup removeMessageFromGroup(java.lang.Object groupId, Message<?> messageToRemove)
          Persist a deletion on a single message from the group.
 void removeMessageGroup(java.lang.Object groupId)
          Remove the message group with this id.
 void setBeanClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
 void setLastReleasedSequenceNumberForGroup(java.lang.Object groupId, int sequenceNumber)
          Allows you to set the sequence number of the last released Message.
Methods inherited from class
expireMessageGroups, getMessageCountForAllMessageGroups, getMessageGroupCount, isTimeoutOnIdle, registerMessageGroupExpiryCallback, setExpiryCallbacks, setTimeoutOnIdle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MongoDbMessageStore( mongoDbFactory)
Create a MongoDbMessageStore using the provided MongoDbFactory.and the default collection name.


public MongoDbMessageStore( mongoDbFactory,
                           java.lang.String collectionName)
Create a MongoDbMessageStore using the provided MongoDbFactory and collection name.

Method Detail


public void setBeanClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
Specified by:
setBeanClassLoader in interface BeanClassLoaderAware


public <T> Message<T> addMessage(Message<T> message)
Description copied from interface: MessageStore
Put the provided Message into the MessageStore. The store may need to mutate the message internally, and if it does then the return value can be different than the input. The id of the return value will be used as an index so that the MessageStore.getMessage(UUID) and MessageStore.removeMessage(UUID) behave properly. Since messages are immutable, putting the same message more than once is a no-op.

Specified by:
addMessage in interface MessageStore
the message that was stored


public Message<?> getMessage(java.util.UUID id)
Description copied from interface: MessageStore
Return the Message with the given id, or null if no Message with that id exists in the MessageStore.

Specified by:
getMessage in interface MessageStore


public long getMessageCount()
Description copied from interface: MessageStore
Optional attribute giving the number of messages in the store. Implementations may decline to respond by throwing an exception.

Specified by:
getMessageCount in interface MessageStore
the number of messages


public Message<?> removeMessage(java.util.UUID id)
Description copied from interface: MessageStore
Remove the Message with the given id from the MessageStore, if present, and return it. If no Message with that id is present in the store, this will return null.

Specified by:
removeMessage in interface MessageStore


public MessageGroup getMessageGroup(java.lang.Object groupId)
Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
Return all Messages currently in the MessageStore that were stored using MessageGroupStore.addMessageToGroup(Object, Message) with this group id.

Specified by:
getMessageGroup in interface MessageGroupStore
a group of messages, empty if none exists for this key


public MessageGroup addMessageToGroup(java.lang.Object groupId,
                                      Message<?> message)
Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
Store a message with an association to a group id. This can be used to group messages together.

Specified by:
addMessageToGroup in interface MessageGroupStore
groupId - the group id to store the message under
message - a message


public MessageGroup removeMessageFromGroup(java.lang.Object groupId,
                                           Message<?> messageToRemove)
Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
Persist a deletion on a single message from the group. The group is modified to reflect that 'messageToRemove' is no longer present in the group.

Specified by:
removeMessageFromGroup in interface MessageGroupStore
groupId - the groupId for the group containing the message
messageToRemove - the message to be removed


public void removeMessageGroup(java.lang.Object groupId)
Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
Remove the message group with this id.

Specified by:
removeMessageGroup in interface MessageGroupStore
groupId - the id of the group to remove


public java.util.Iterator<MessageGroup> iterator()
Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
Returns the iterator of currently accumulated MessageGroups

Specified by:
iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<MessageGroup>
Specified by:
iterator in interface MessageGroupStore


public void completeGroup(java.lang.Object groupId)
Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
Completes this MessageGroup. Completion of the MessageGroup generally means that this group should not be allowing any more mutating operation to be performed on it. For example any attempt to add/remove new Message form the group should not be allowed.

Specified by:
completeGroup in interface MessageGroupStore


public void setLastReleasedSequenceNumberForGroup(java.lang.Object groupId,
                                                  int sequenceNumber)
Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
Allows you to set the sequence number of the last released Message. Used for Resequencing use cases

Specified by:
setLastReleasedSequenceNumberForGroup in interface MessageGroupStore


public Message<?> pollMessageFromGroup(java.lang.Object groupId)
Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
Polls Message from this MessageGroup (in FIFO style if supported by the implementation) while also removing the polled Message

Specified by:
pollMessageFromGroup in interface MessageGroupStore


public int messageGroupSize(java.lang.Object groupId)
Description copied from interface: MessageGroupStore
Returns the size of this MessageGroup

Specified by:
messageGroupSize in interface MessageGroupStore