Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.jpa.config.xml

Provides parser classes to provide Xml namespace support for the Jpa components.


Class Summary
JpaInboundChannelAdapterParser The JPA Inbound Channel adapter parser
JpaNamespaceHandler The namespace handler for the JPA namespace
JpaOutboundChannelAdapterParser The parser for JPA outbound channel adapter
JpaOutboundGatewayParser The Parser for JPA Outbound Gateway, the MessageHandler implementation is same as the outbound chanel adapter and hence we extend the class and setting the few additional attributes that we wish to in the MessageSource
JpaParserUtils The common method for generating the BeanDefinition for the common MessageHandler is implemented in this class

Package org.springframework.integration.jpa.config.xml Description

Provides parser classes to provide Xml namespace support for the Jpa components.

Spring Integration