Spring Integration

Package org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection.support

Provides classes supporting the creation/manipulation of sockets, SSLContexts etc.


Interface Summary
TcpNioConnectionSupport Used by NIO connection factories to instantiate a TcpNioConnection object.
TcpSocketFactorySupport Strategy interface for supplying Socket Factories.
TcpSocketSupport Strategy interface for modifying sockets.
TcpSSLContextSupport Strategy interface for the creation of an SSLContext object for use with SSL/TLS sockets.

Class Summary
DefaultTcpNetSocketFactorySupport Implementation of TcpSocketFactorySupport for non-SSL sockets ServerSocket and Socket.
DefaultTcpNetSSLSocketFactorySupport Implementation of TcpSocketFactorySupport for SSL sockets SSLServerSocket and SSLSocket.
DefaultTcpNioConnectionSupport Implementation of TcpNioConnectionSupport for non-SSL NIO connections.
DefaultTcpNioSSLConnectionSupport Implementation of TcpNioConnectionSupport for SSL NIO connections.
DefaultTcpSocketSupport Default implementation of TcpSocketSupport; makes no changes to sockets.
DefaultTcpSSLContextSupport Default implementation of TcpSSLContextSupport; uses a 'TLS' (by default) SSLContext, initialized with 'JKS' keystores, managed by 'SunX509' Key and Trust managers.

Package org.springframework.integration.ip.tcp.connection.support Description

Provides classes supporting the creation/manipulation of sockets, SSLContexts etc.

Spring Integration