Spring Security Framework

Uses of Package

Packages that use org.springframework.security.util
org.springframework.security.intercept.web Enforces security for HTTP requests, typically by the URL requested. 
org.springframework.security.securechannel Classes that ensure web requests are received over required transport channels. 
org.springframework.security.ui Authentication processing mechanisms, which respond to the submission of authentication credentials using various protocols (eg BASIC, CAS, form login etc). 
org.springframework.security.ui.savedrequest Stores a HttpServletRequest so that it can subsequently be emulated by the SavedRequestAwareWrapper
org.springframework.security.ui.webapp Authenticates users via HTTP properties, headers and session. 
org.springframework.security.util General utility classes used throughout the Spring Security framework. 
org.springframework.security.wrapper Populates a Servlet request with a new Spring Security compliant HttpServletRequestWrapper

Classes in org.springframework.security.util used by org.springframework.security.intercept.web
          Strategy for deciding whether configured path matches a submitted candidate URL.

Classes in org.springframework.security.util used by org.springframework.security.securechannel
          PortMapper implementations provide callers with information about which HTTP ports are associated with which HTTPS ports on the system, and vice versa.
          A PortResolver determines the port a web request was received on.

Classes in org.springframework.security.util used by org.springframework.security.ui
          A PortResolver determines the port a web request was received on.
          Handler for analyzing Throwable instances.

Classes in org.springframework.security.util used by org.springframework.security.ui.savedrequest
          A PortResolver determines the port a web request was received on.

Classes in org.springframework.security.util used by org.springframework.security.ui.webapp
          PortMapper implementations provide callers with information about which HTTP ports are associated with which HTTPS ports on the system, and vice versa.
          A PortResolver determines the port a web request was received on.

Classes in org.springframework.security.util used by org.springframework.security.util
          PortMapper implementations provide callers with information about which HTTP ports are associated with which HTTPS ports on the system, and vice versa.
          A PortResolver determines the port a web request was received on.
          Interface for handlers extracting the cause out of a specific Throwable type.
          Strategy for deciding whether configured path matches a submitted candidate URL.

Classes in org.springframework.security.util used by org.springframework.security.wrapper
          A PortResolver determines the port a web request was received on.

Spring Security Framework

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