
Spring Social's Service API for Twitter


Interface Summary
BlockOperations Interface defining the operations for blocking and unblocking users
DirectMessageOperations Interface defining the Twitter operations for working with direct messages.
FriendOperations Interface defining the operations for working with a user's friends and followers.
GeoOperations Interface defining the Twitter operations for working with locations.
ListOperations Interface defining the operations for working with a user's lists.
SearchOperations Interface defining the operations for searching Twitter and retrieving trending data.
Stream Represents a Twitter stream.
StreamingOperations Defines operations for working with Twitter's streaming API
StreamListener Listener interface for clients consuming data from a Twitter stream.
TimelineOperations Interface defining the operations for sending and retrieving tweets.
Twitter Interface specifying a basic set of operations for interacting with Twitter.
UserOperations Interface defining the operations for retrieving information about Twitter users.

Class Summary
AccountSettings Model class representing Twitter account settings.
AccountSettings.SleepTime The account's mobile update sleep time settings.
AccountSettings.TimeZone The account's timezone settings.
AccountSettings.TrendLocation The account's trend location settings.
CursoredList<T> List that includes previous and next cursors for paging through items returned from Twitter in cursored pages.
DirectMessage Represents a direct message.
Entities A json representation of entities found within twitter status objects.
FilterStreamParameters Defines the parameters of a filtered stream.
GeoCode Represents geo_code parameter used for advanced search
HashTagEntity A representation of tweet hashtags.
MediaEntity A representation of embedded media entity.
MentionEntity A user mention entity.
OEmbedTweet Represents an oEmbed Tweet object.
Place Represents a place that a Twitter user may send a tweet from.
Place.Geometry Represents a place's geometry.
Place.GeoPoint Represents a point in geospace (e.g., latitude/longitude)
PlacePrototype Represents a new place that could be created.
RateLimitStatus Carries data concerning the rate limit status.
SavedSearch Represents a saved search.
SearchMetadata Represents the cursor metadata associated with a search query via the Twitter Search API.
SearchParameters Twitter search parameters.
SearchResults Represents the results of a Twitter search, including matching Tweets and any metadata associated with that search.
SimilarPlaces Represents the results of a similar places search.
StatusDetails Deprecated. Use TimelineOperations.updateStatus(TweetData) instead.
StreamDeleteEvent A stream event indicating that a tweet should be removed from the client.
StreamWarningEvent A stream event warning that the client is stalling and is in danger of being disconnected.
SuggestionCategory Represents a suggestion category; a category of users that Twitter may suggest that a user follow.
TickerSymbolEntity A representation of embedded ticker symbol entity.
Trend Represents a single trending topic.
Trends Represents a list of trending topics at a specific point in time.
Tweet Represents a Twitter status update (e.g., a "tweet").
TwitterObject Base class for all Twitter types.
TwitterProfile Model class representing a Twitter user's profile information.
UrlEntity A representation of a URL found within a tweet entity.
UserList Represents a user-defined list.
UserStreamParameters Defines the parameters of a user stream.

Enum Summary
ImageSize Enumeration of image sizes supported by Twitter
ResourceFamily An enum to facilitate the use of the rate_limit_status endpoint by enumerating all of the resource families that can be searched via the API
SearchParameters.ResultType ResultType enumeration.

Exception Summary
InvalidMessageRecipientException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to send a direct message to an invalid recipient; that is, a recipient who is not following the authenticated user.
MessageTooLongException Exception indicating that an attempt was made to post a status or send a direct message where the length exceeds Twitter's 140 character limit.
StreamingException Indicates an error while setting up a stream with the Twitter streaming API.

Package Description

Spring Social's Service API for Twitter