
Spring Social's Service API for Facebook


Interface Summary
CommentOperations Defines operations for reading and posting comments to Facebook.
EventOperations Defines operations for creating and reading event data as well as RSVP'ing to events on behalf of a user.
FacebookApi Interface specifying a basic set of operations for interacting with Facebook.
FeedOperations Interface defining operations that can be performed on a Facebook feed.
FriendOperations Defines operations for interacting with a user's friends and friend lists.
GraphApi Defines low-level operations against Facebook's Graph API
GroupOperations Defines operations for retrieving data about groups and group members.
LikeOperations Defines operations for working with a user's likes and interests.
MediaOperations Defines operations for working with albums, photos, and videos.
PlacesOperations Defines the operations for interacting with a user's Facebook checkins.

Class Summary
Album Model class representing a Facebook photo album.
Checkin Model class representing a user checkin on Facebook Places.
CheckinPost Model class representing a feed Post to announce a Checkin on a user's wall.
Comment Model class representing a comment.
EducationEntry Model class representing an entry in a user's education history.
Event Model class representing an event.
EventInvitee Model class representing someone who has been invited to an event.
FacebookLink Model class representing a link to be posted to a users Facebook wall.
FacebookProfile Model class containing a Facebook user's profile information.
Group Model class representing a Group.
GroupMemberReference Model class representing a reference to a group member.
Invitation Model class representing an invitation to an event.
LinkPost Model class representing a link Post to a user's wall.
Location Model class representing a location of a place that a user may check into in Facebook Places.
NotePost Model class representing a note Post to a user's wall.
Photo Model class representing a photo.
PhotoPost Model class representing a Post to a feed announcing a Photo.
Place Model class representing a place that a user may check into on Facebook Places.
Post Model class representing an entry in a feed.
Reference A simple reference to another Facebook object without the complete set of object data.
StatusPost Model class representing a simple status message Post to a feed.
Tag Model class representing a tagged user in a video, photo, or checkin.
UserLike Model class representing an object that the user likes.
Video Model class representing a video.
VideoPost Model class representing a Post announcing a Video to a feed.
WorkEntry Model class representing an entry in the user's work history.

Enum Summary
RsvpStatus Enumeration of statuses that an invitee may have for an event.

Exception Summary
GraphAPIException Exception thrown when a Graph API usage error (such as an unknown connection path) occurs.
InsufficientPermissionException Exception thrown when attempting an operation that requires a permission not granted to the caller.
NotAFriendException Exception thrown when attempting an operation that requires a target user to be a friend of the authenticated user.
OwnershipException Exception thrown when attempting to perform operation on a resource that must be owned by the authenticated user, but is not.

Package Description

Spring Social's Service API for Facebook