Spring Web Flow

Package org.springframework.binding.convert.converters

Common Converter implementations.


Interface Summary
Converter A converter is capable of converting a source object of type Converter.getSourceClass() to a target type of type Converter.getTargetClass().
TwoWayConverter A converter that can also convert from the target back to the source.

Class Summary
ArrayToArray Special one-way converter that converts from a source array to a target array.
ArrayToCollection Special converter that converts from a source array to a target collection.
CollectionToCollection A converter that can convert from one collection type to another.
FormattedStringToNumber A converter for common number types such as integers and big decimals.
NumberToNumber A one-way converter that can convert from any JDK-standard Number implementation to any other JDK-standard Number implementation.
ObjectToArray Special two-way converter that converts an object to an single-element array.
ObjectToCollection Special two-way converter that converts an object to an single-element collection.
PropertyEditorConverter Adapts a PropertyEditor to the TwoWayConverter interface.
ReverseConverter A converter that calls the TwoWayConverter.convertTargetToSourceClass(Object, Class) on a target TwoWayConverter instance.
SpringConvertingConverterAdapter A Spring Binding Converter that delegates to a Spring ConversionService to do the actual type conversion.
StringToBigDecimal Converts a String to a BigDecimal.
StringToBigInteger Converts a String to a BigInteger.
StringToBoolean Converts a textual representation of a boolean object to a Boolean instance.
StringToByte Converts a String to a BigInteger.
StringToClass Converts a textual representation of a class object to a Class instance.
StringToDate A formatter for Date types.
StringToDouble Converts a String to an Short using Short.valueOf(String).
StringToEnum Converts from a textual representation to a Enum.
StringToFloat Converts a String to an Short using Short.valueOf(String).
StringToInteger Converts a String to an Integer using Integer.valueOf(String).
StringToLabeledEnum Deprecated.
StringToLocale Converts a String to a Locale using StringUtils.parseLocaleString(String).
StringToLong Converts a String to an Long using Long.valueOf(String).
StringToShort Converts a String to an Short using Short.valueOf(String).

Exception Summary
InvalidFormatException Thrown when a formatted value is of the wrong form.

Package org.springframework.binding.convert.converters Description

Common Converter implementations.

Spring Web Flow