Spring Web Flow

Package org.springframework.binding.expression.el

Support for the Unified Expression Language (EL) implemented by the ELExpressionParser.


Interface Summary
ELContextFactory A factory for creating a EL context object that will be used to evaluate a target object of an EL expression.

Class Summary
DefaultELContext A generic ELContext implementation.
DefaultElContextFactory A factory for a DefaultELContext.
DefaultELResolver A generic ELResolver to be used as a default when no other ELResolvers have been configured by the client application.
ELExpression Evaluates a parsed EL expression.
ELExpressionParser The expression parser that parses EL expressions.
MapAdaptableELResolver An ELResolver for properly resolving variables in an instance of MapAdaptable

Package org.springframework.binding.expression.el Description

Support for the Unified Expression Language (EL) implemented by the ELExpressionParser.

Spring Web Flow