Spring Web Flow

Package org.springframework.webflow.engine.support

Support implementations the engine uses internally.


Class Summary
ActionExecutingViewFactory A view factory implementation that creates views that execute an action when rendered.
ActionTransitionCriteria A transition criteria that will execute an action when tested and return true if the action's result is equal to the 'trueEventId', false otherwise.
BeanFactoryVariableValueFactory A bean-factory backed variable value factory.
DefaultTargetStateResolver A transition target state resolver that evaluates an expression to resolve the target state.
DefaultTransitionCriteria Transition criteria that tests the value of an expression.
GenericSubflowAttributeMapper Simple flow attribute mapper that holds an input and output mapper strategy.
NotTransitionCriteria Transition criteria that negates the result of the evaluation of another criteria object.
TransitionCriteriaChain An ordered chain of TransitionCriteria.
TransitionExecutingFlowExecutionExceptionHandler A flow execution exception handler that maps the occurrence of a specific type of exception to a transition to a new State.

Package org.springframework.webflow.engine.support Description

Support implementations the engine uses internally.

Spring Web Flow