Spring Web Flow

Package org.springframework.webflow.expression.spel

Class Summary
ActionPropertyAccessor Spring EL Property Accessor that allows invocation of methods against a resolved Web Flow action, typically a MultiAction in expressions.
BeanFactoryPropertyAccessor Spring EL PropertyAccessor for reading beans in a BeanFactory.
FlowVariablePropertyAccessor Spring EL PropertyAccessor that enables use of the following reserved variables in expressions:
MapAdaptablePropertyAccessor Spring EL PropertyAccessor for reading from MapAdaptable and writing to MutableAttributeMap.
MessageSourcePropertyAccessor Spring EL PropertyAccessor that resolves messages from the MessageSource of the active Flow.
ScopeSearchingPropertyAccessor Spring EL PropertyAccessor that searches through all Web Flow scopes.
WebFlowSpringELExpressionParser A sub-class for SpringELExpressionParser that registers Web Flow specific Spring EL PropertyAccessors.

Spring Web Flow