Spring Web Services Framework

Package org.springframework.ws.soap.security.xwss.callback

Contains CallbackHandler implementations for XWSS.


Class Summary
CryptographyCallbackHandler Default callback handler that handles cryptographic callback.
DefaultTimestampValidator A default implementation of a TimestampValidationCallback.TimestampValidator.
KeyStoreCallbackHandler Callback handler that uses Java Security KeyStores to handle cryptographic callbacks.
MockValidationCallbackHandler Mock implementation of of callback handler that accepts all password and certificate validation callbacks.
SimplePasswordValidationCallbackHandler Simple callback handler that validates passwords agains a in-memory Properties object.
SimpleUsernamePasswordCallbackHandler Simple callback handler that supplies a username and password to a username token at runtime.
SpringCertificateValidationCallbackHandler Callback handler that validates a certificate using an Spring Security AuthenticationManager.
SpringDigestPasswordValidationCallbackHandler Callback handler that validates a password digest using an Spring Security UserDetailsService.
SpringPlainTextPasswordValidationCallbackHandler Callback handler that validates a certificate uses an Spring Security AuthenticationManager.
SpringUsernamePasswordCallbackHandler Callback handler that adds username/password information to a mesage using an Spring Security SecurityContext.
XwssCallbackHandlerChain Represents a chain of CallbackHandlers.

Package org.springframework.ws.soap.security.xwss.callback Description

Contains CallbackHandler implementations for XWSS.

Spring Web Services Framework

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