Spring Web Services Framework

Package org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.adapter

Provides miscellaneous EndpointAdapter implementations.


Class Summary
AbstractMethodEndpointAdapter Abstract base class for EndpointAdapter implementations that support MethodEndpoints.
GenericMarshallingMethodEndpointAdapter Subclass of MarshallingMethodEndpointAdapter that supports GenericMarshaller and GenericUnmarshaller.
MarshallingMethodEndpointAdapter Adapter that supports endpoint methods that use marshalling.
MessageEndpointAdapter Adapter to use a MessageEndpoint as the endpoint for a EndpointInvocationChain.
MessageMethodEndpointAdapter Adapter that supports endpoint methods that use marshalling.
PayloadEndpointAdapter Adapter to use a PayloadEndpoint as the endpoint for a EndpointInvocationChain.
PayloadMethodEndpointAdapter Adapter that supports endpoint methods that use marshalling.
XPathParamAnnotationMethodEndpointAdapter Adapter that supports endpoint methods that use marshalling.

Package org.springframework.ws.server.endpoint.adapter Description

Provides miscellaneous EndpointAdapter implementations.

Spring Web Services Framework

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