Spring Web Services Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use XmlException
org.springframework.oxm Root package for Spring's O/X Mapping integration classes. 
org.springframework.oxm.castor Package providing integration of Castor within Springs O/X Mapping support. 
org.springframework.oxm.jaxb Package providing integration of JAXB with Springs O/X Mapping support. 
org.springframework.oxm.jibx Package providing integration of JiBX with Springs O/X Mapping support. 
org.springframework.oxm.xmlbeans Package providing integration of XMLBeans with Springs O/X Mapping support. 
org.springframework.oxm.xstream Package providing integration of XStream with Springs O/X Mapping support. 
org.springframework.xml.validation Provides classes for XML validation in JAXP 1.0 and JAXP 1.3. 
org.springframework.xml.xpath Provides XPathTemplate implementations, and various classes for XPath evaluation using JAXP 1.3, and Jaxen. 
org.springframework.xml.xsd Provides an abstraction over XSD XML schemas. 
org.springframework.xml.xsd.commons Contains a implementation of the XsdSchema interfaces that uses Apache WS-Commons XML Schema. 

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm
 class GenericMarshallingFailureException
          Base class for exception thrown when a marshalling or unmarshalling error occurs.
 class MarshallingFailureException
          Exception thrown on marshalling failure.
 class UncategorizedXmlMappingException
          Superclass for exceptions that cannot be distinguished further.
 class UnmarshallingFailureException
          Exception thrown on unmarshalling failure.
 class ValidationFailureException
          Exception thrown on marshalling validation failure.
 class XmlMappingException
          Root of the hierarchy of Object XML Mapping exceptions.

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.castor

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.castor
 class CastorMarshallingFailureException
          Castor-specific subclass of MarshallingFailureException.
 class CastorSystemException
          Castor-specific subclass of UncategorizedXmlMappingException, for Castor exceptions that cannot be distinguished further.
 class CastorUnmarshallingFailureException
          Castor-specific subclass of UnmarshallingFailureException.
 class CastorValidationFailureException
          Castor-specific subclass of MarshallingFailureException.

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.jaxb

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.jaxb
 class JaxbMarshallingFailureException
          JAXB-specific subclass of MarshallingFailureException.
 class JaxbSystemException
          JAXB-specific subclass of UncategorizedXmlMappingException, for JAXBExceptions that cannot be distinguished further.
 class JaxbUnmarshallingFailureException
          JAXB-specific subclass of UnmarshallingFailureException.
 class JaxbValidationFailureException
          JAXB-specific subclass of ValidationFailureException.

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.jibx

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.jibx
 class JibxMarshallingFailureException
          JiXB-specific subclass of MarshallingFailureException.
 class JibxSystemException
          JiBX-specific subclass of UncategorizedXmlMappingException, for JiBXBExceptions that cannot be distinguished further.
 class JibxUnmarshallingFailureException
          JiXB-specific subclass of UnmarshallingFailureException.
 class JibxValidationFailureException
          JAXB-specific subclass of ValidationFailureException.

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.xmlbeans

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.xmlbeans
 class XmlBeansMarshallingFailureException
          XMLBeans-specific subclass of MarshallingFailureException.
 class XmlBeansSystemException
          XMLBeans-specific subclass of UncategorizedXmlMappingException, for XMLBeans exceptions that cannot be distinguished further.
 class XmlBeansUnmarshallingFailureException
          XMLBeans-specific subclass of UnmarshallingFailureException.
 class XmlBeansValidationFailureException
          XMLBeans-specific subclass of ValidationFailureException.

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.xstream

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.oxm.xstream
 class XStreamMarshallingFailureException
          XStream-specific subclass of MarshallingFailureException.
 class XStreamSystemException
          XStream-specific subclass of UncategorizedXmlMappingException, for XStream exceptions that cannot be distinguished further.
 class XStreamUnmarshallingFailureException
          XStream-specific subclass of UnmarshallingFailureException.

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.xml.validation

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.xml.validation
 class XmlValidationException
          Exception thrown when a validation error occurs

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.xml.xpath

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.xml.xpath
 class XPathException
          Exception thrown when an error occurs during XPath processing.
 class XPathParseException
          Exception throws when a XPath expression cannot be parsed.

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.xml.xsd

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.xml.xsd
 class XsdSchemaException
          Base class for all WSDL definition exceptions.

Uses of XmlException in org.springframework.xml.xsd.commons

Subclasses of XmlException in org.springframework.xml.xsd.commons
 class CommonsXsdSchemaException
          Commons XmlSchema version of the XsdSchemaException.

Spring Web Services Framework

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