Spring Web Services Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResponseCreator
org.springframework.ws.test.client Provides a testing framework for client-side Web service testing. 

Uses of ResponseCreator in org.springframework.ws.test.client

Methods in org.springframework.ws.test.client that return ResponseCreator
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withClientOrSenderFault(String faultStringOrReason, Locale locale)
          Respond with a Client (SOAP 1.1) or Sender (SOAP 1.2) fault.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withError(String errorMessage)
          Respond with an error.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withException(IOException ioException)
          Respond with an IOException.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withException(RuntimeException ex)
          Respond with an RuntimeException.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withMustUnderstandFault(String faultStringOrReason, Locale locale)
          Respond with a MustUnderstand fault.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withPayload(Resource payload)
          Respond with the given Resource XML as payload response.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withPayload(Source payload)
          Respond with the given Source XML as payload response.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withServerOrReceiverFault(String faultStringOrReason, Locale locale)
          Respond with a Server (SOAP 1.1) or Receiver (SOAP 1.2) fault.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withSoapEnvelope(Resource soapEnvelope)
          Respond with the given Resource XML as SOAP envelope response.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withSoapEnvelope(Source soapEnvelope)
          Respond with the given Source XML as SOAP envelope response.
static ResponseCreator ResponseCreators.withVersionMismatchFault(String faultStringOrReason, Locale locale)
          Respond with a VersionMismatch fault.

Methods in org.springframework.ws.test.client with parameters of type ResponseCreator
 void ResponseActions.andRespond(ResponseCreator responseCreator)
          Sets the ResponseCreator for this mock.

Spring Web Services Framework

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