Package org.springframework.beans

This package contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans.


Interface Summary
BeanWrapper The central interface of Spring's low-level JavaBeans infrastructure.
PropertyValues Object containing 0 or more PropertyValues comprising one update.

Class Summary
BeanUtils Static convenience methods for JavaBeans, for instantiating beans, copying bean properties, etc.
BeanWrapperImpl Default implementation of the BeanWrapper interface that should be sufficient for all normal uses.
MutablePropertyValues Default implementation of the PropertyValues interface.
PropertyValue Class to hold information and value for an individual property.
PropertyValuesEditor Editor for PropertyValues objects.

Exception Summary
BeansException Abstract superclass for all exceptions thrown in the beans package and subpackages.
FatalBeanException Thrown on an unrecoverable problem encountered in the beans packages or sub-packages, e.g. bad class or field.
MethodInvocationException Thrown when a method getter or setter throws an exception, analogous to an InvocationTargetException.
NotWritablePropertyException Exception thrown on an attempt to set the value of a property that isn't writable, because there's no setter method.
NullValueInNestedPathException Exception thrown when navigation of a valid nested property path encounters a null pointer exception.
PropertyAccessException Superclass for exceptions related to a property access, such as type mismatch or invocation target exception.
PropertyAccessExceptionsException Combined exception, composed of individual binding propertyAccessExceptions.
TypeMismatchException Exception thrown on a type mismatch when trying to set a property.

Package org.springframework.beans Description

This package contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans. It is used by most other Spring packages.

A BeanWrapper object may be used to set and get bean properties, singly or in bulk.

The classes in this package are discussed in Chapter 11 of Expert One-On-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).

Copyright (C) 2003-2004 The Spring Framework Project.