Interface AdvisorAdapter

public interface AdvisorAdapter

Interface allowing extension to the Spring AOP framework to allow handling of new Advisors and Advice types.

Implementing objects can create AOP Alliance Interceptors from custom advice types, enabling these advice types to be used in the Spring AOP framework, which uses interception under the covers.

There is no need for most Spring users to implement this interface; do so only if you need to introduce more Advisor or Advice types to Spring.

$Id:,v 1.8 2004/04/01 15:35:46 jhoeller Exp $
Rod Johnson

Method Summary
 org.aopalliance.intercept.Interceptor getInterceptor(Advisor advisor)
          Return an AOP Alliance Interceptor exposing the behaviour of the given advice to an interception-based AOP framework.
 boolean supportsAdvice(org.aopalliance.aop.Advice advice)
          Does this adapter understand this advice object?

Method Detail


public boolean supportsAdvice(org.aopalliance.aop.Advice advice)
Does this adapter understand this advice object? Is it valid to invoke the wrap() method with the given advice as an argument?

advice - Advice such as a BeforeAdvice.
whether this adapter understands the given advice object


public org.aopalliance.intercept.Interceptor getInterceptor(Advisor advisor)
Return an AOP Alliance Interceptor exposing the behaviour of the given advice to an interception-based AOP framework.

Don't worry about any Pointcut contained in the Advisor; the AOP framework will take care of checking the pointcut.

advisor - Advisor. the supportsAdvisor() method must have returned true on this object
an AOP Alliance interceptor for this Advisor. There's no need to cache instances for efficiency, as the AOP framework caches advice chains.

Copyright (C) 2003-2004 The Spring Framework Project.