The Spring Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DisposableBean Generic support classes for target source creation. This package contains implementations of the org.springframework.aop.TargetSource interface. 
org.springframework.beans.factory.config SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories. 
org.springframework.beans.factory.serviceloader Support package for the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility. Classes supporting the org.springframework.beans.factory package. 
org.springframework.beans.factory.wiring Mechanism to determine bean wiring metadata from a bean instance. 
org.springframework.cache.ehcache Support classes for the open source cache EHCache, allowing to set up an EHCache CacheManager and Caches as beans in a Spring context. Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package, such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext implementations and a MessageSource implementation. 
org.springframework.context.weaving Load-time weaving support for a Spring application context, building on Spring's LoadTimeWeaver abstraction. 
org.springframework.jca.cci.connection Provides a utility class for easy ConnectionFactory access, a PlatformTransactionManager for local CCI transactions, and various simple ConnectionFactory proxies/adapters. 
org.springframework.jca.context Integration package that allows for deploying a Spring application context as a JCA 1.5 compliant RAR file. 
org.springframework.jca.endpoint This package provides a facility for generic JCA message endpoint management. Provides generic support classes for JCA usage within Spring, mainly for local setup of a JCA ResourceAdapter and/or ConnectionFactory. 
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource Provides a utility class for easy DataSource access, a PlatformTransactionManager for a single DataSource, and various simple DataSource implementations. 
org.springframework.jms.connection Provides a PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JMS ConnectionFactory, and a SingleConnectionFactory adapter. 
org.springframework.jms.listener This package contains the base message listener container facility. 
org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint This package provides JCA-based endpoint management for JMS message listeners. 
org.springframework.jms.listener.serversession This package contains the ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer implementation, based on the standard JMS ServerSessionPool API. 
org.springframework.jmx.access Provides proxy support for accessing MBean resources through standard Java interfaces. 
org.springframework.jmx.export This package provides declarative creation and registration of Spring-managed beans as JMX MBeans. 
org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation JDK 1.5+ annotations for MBean exposure. Contains support classes for connecting to local and remote MBeanServers and for exposing an MBeanServer to remote clients. 
org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 Package providing integration of Hibernate3 with Spring concepts. 
org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation Support package for the Hibernate3 Annotation add-on, which supports EJB3-compliant JDK 1.5+ annotations for mappings. Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 package. 
org.springframework.orm.jdo Package providing integration of JDO (Java Date Objects) with Spring concepts. Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.jdo package. 
org.springframework.orm.jpa Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts. Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.jpa package. 
org.springframework.remoting.jaxws Remoting classes for Web Services via JAX-WS (the successor of JAX-RPC), as included in Java 6 and Java EE 5. 
org.springframework.remoting.rmi Remoting classes for conventional RMI and transparent remoting via RMI invokers. Generic support classes for remoting implementations. 
org.springframework.scheduling.backportconcurrent Scheduling convenience classes for the JSR-166 backport Executor mechanism, allowing to set up a ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as bean in a Spring context. 
org.springframework.scheduling.commonj Convenience classes for scheduling based on the CommonJ WorkManager/TimerManager facility, as supported by IBM WebSphere 6.0+ and BEA WebLogic 9.0+. 
org.springframework.scheduling.quartz Support classes for the open source scheduler Quartz, allowing to set up Quartz Schedulers, JobDetails and Triggers as beans in a Spring context. 
org.springframework.scheduling.timer Scheduling convenience classes for the JDK Timer, allowing to set up Timers and ScheduledTimerTasks as beans in a Spring context. Support classes for Spring's scripting package. 
org.springframework.transaction.jta Transaction SPI implementation for JTA. Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.context package, such as WebApplicationContext implementations and various utility classes. 
org.springframework.web.filter Provides generic filter base classes allowing for bean-style configuration. Support classes for the multipart resolution framework. 
org.springframework.web.portlet.context Support for Spring's application context concept in a portlet environment, including ApplicationContext implementations and various utility classes. 
org.springframework.web.portlet.mvc Standard controller implementations for the portlet MVC framework that comes with Spring. 
org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc Standard controller implementations for the servlet MVC framework that comes with Spring. 
org.springframework.web.servlet.view Provides standard View and ViewResolver implementations, including abstract base classes for custom implementations. 
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles2 Support classes for the integration of Tiles2 (the standalone version of Tiles) as Spring web view technology. 

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractBeanFactoryBasedTargetSourceCreator
          Convenient superclass for TargetSourceCreator implementations that require creating multiple instances of a prototype bean.
 class LazyInitTargetSourceCreator
          TargetSourceCreator that enforces a LazyInitTargetSource for each bean that is defined as "lazy-init".
 class QuickTargetSourceCreator
          Convenient TargetSourceCreator using bean name prefixes to create one of three well-known TargetSource types: : CommonsPoolTargetSource % ThreadLocalTargetSource !

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractPoolingTargetSource
          Abstract base class for pooling TargetSource implementations which maintain a pool of target instances, acquiring and releasing a target object from the pool for each method invocation.
 class CommonsPoolTargetSource
          TargetSource implementation that holds objects in a configurable Jakarta Commons Pool.
 class ThreadLocalTargetSource
          Alternative to an object pool.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.beans.factory.config

Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.config that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractFactoryBean
          Simple template superclass for FactoryBean implementations that creates a singleton or a prototype object, depending on a flag.
 class ListFactoryBean
          Simple factory for shared List instances.
 class MapFactoryBean
          Simple factory for shared Map instances.
 class ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean
          A FactoryBean implementation that returns a value which is an ObjectFactory that in turn returns a bean sourced from a BeanFactory.
 class SetFactoryBean
          Simple factory for shared Set instances.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.beans.factory.serviceloader

Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.serviceloader that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractServiceLoaderBasedFactoryBean
          Abstract base class for FactoryBeans operating on the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility.
 class ServiceFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that exposes the 'primary' service for the configured service class, obtained through the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility.
 class ServiceListFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that exposes all services for the configured service class, represented as a List of service objects, obtained through the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility.
 class ServiceLoaderFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that exposes the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader for the configured service class.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Methods in with parameters of type DisposableBean
protected  void DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.destroyBean(String beanName, DisposableBean bean)
          Destroy the given bean.
 void DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.registerDisposableBean(String beanName, DisposableBean bean)
          Add the given bean to the list of disposable beans in this registry.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.beans.factory.wiring

Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.wiring that implement DisposableBean
 class BeanConfigurerSupport
          Convenient base class for configurers that can perform Dependency Injection on objects (however they may be created).

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.cache.ehcache

Classes in org.springframework.cache.ehcache that implement DisposableBean
 class EhCacheManagerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that exposes an EHCache CacheManager instance (independent or shared), configured from a specified config location.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractApplicationContext
          Abstract implementation of the ApplicationContext interface.
 class AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext
          Base class for ApplicationContext implementations which are supposed to support multiple refreshs, creating a new internal bean factory instance every time.
 class AbstractXmlApplicationContext
          Convenient base class for ApplicationContext implementations, drawing configuration from XML documents containing bean definitions understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.
 class ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
          Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the class path, interpreting plain paths as class path resource names that include the package path (e.g.
 class FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
          Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the file system or from URLs, interpreting plain paths as relative file system locations (e.g.
 class GenericApplicationContext
          Generic ApplicationContext implementation that holds a single internal DefaultListableBeanFactory instance and does not assume a specific bean definition format.
 class StaticApplicationContext
          ApplicationContext implementation which supports programmatic registration of beans and messages, rather than reading bean definitions from external configuration sources.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.context.weaving

Classes in org.springframework.context.weaving that implement DisposableBean
 class DefaultContextLoadTimeWeaver
          Default LoadTimeWeaver bean for use in an application context, decorating an automatically detected internal LoadTimeWeaver.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jca.cci.connection

Classes in org.springframework.jca.cci.connection that implement DisposableBean
 class SingleConnectionFactory
          A CCI ConnectionFactory adapter that returns the same Connection on all getConnection calls, and ignores calls to Connection.close().

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jca.context

Classes in org.springframework.jca.context that implement DisposableBean
 class ResourceAdapterApplicationContext
          ApplicationContext implementation for a JCA ResourceAdapter.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jca.endpoint

Classes in org.springframework.jca.endpoint that implement DisposableBean
 class GenericMessageEndpointManager
          Generic bean that manages JCA 1.5 message endpoints within a Spring application context, activating and deactivating the endpoint as part of the application context's lifecycle.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class ResourceAdapterFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that bootstraps the specified JCA 1.5 ResourceAdapter, starting it with a local BootstrapContext and exposing it for bean references.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource

Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource that implement DisposableBean
 class SingleConnectionDataSource
          Implementation of SmartDataSource that wraps a single Connection which is not closed after use.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jms.connection

Classes in org.springframework.jms.connection that implement DisposableBean
 class SingleConnectionFactory102
          A subclass of SingleConnectionFactory for the JMS 1.0.2 specification, not relying on JMS 1.1 methods like SingleConnectionFactory itself.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jms.listener

Classes in org.springframework.jms.listener that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractJmsListeningContainer
          Common base class for all containers which need to implement listening based on a JMS Connection (either shared or freshly obtained for each attempt).
 class AbstractMessageListenerContainer
          Abstract base class for message listener containers.
 class AbstractPollingMessageListenerContainer
          Base class for listener container implementations which are based on polling.
 class DefaultMessageListenerContainer
          Message listener container variant that uses plain JMS client API, specifically a loop of MessageConsumer.receive() calls that also allow for transactional reception of messages (registering them with XA transactions).
 class DefaultMessageListenerContainer102
          A subclass of DefaultMessageListenerContainer for the JMS 1.0.2 specification, not relying on JMS 1.1 methods like SimpleMessageListenerContainer itself.
 class SimpleMessageListenerContainer
          Message listener container that uses the plain JMS client API's MessageConsumer.setMessageListener() method to create concurrent MessageConsumers for the specified listeners.
 class SimpleMessageListenerContainer102
          A subclass of SimpleMessageListenerContainer for the JMS 1.0.2 specification, not relying on JMS 1.1 methods like SimpleMessageListenerContainer itself.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint

Classes in org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint that implement DisposableBean
 class JmsMessageEndpointManager
          Extension of the generic JCA 1.5 GenericMessageEndpointManager, adding JMS-specific support for ActivationSpec configuration.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jms.listener.serversession

Classes in org.springframework.jms.listener.serversession that implement DisposableBean
 class ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer
          Message listener container that builds on the ServerSessionPool SPI, creating JMS ServerSession instances through a pluggable ServerSessionFactory.
 class ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer102
          A subclass of ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer for the JMS 1.0.2 specification, not relying on JMS 1.1 methods like ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer itself.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jmx.access

Classes in org.springframework.jmx.access that implement DisposableBean
 class MBeanClientInterceptor
          MethodInterceptor that routes calls to an MBean running on the supplied MBeanServerConnection.
 class MBeanProxyFactoryBean
          Creates a proxy to a managed resource running either locally or remotely.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jmx.export

Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export that implement DisposableBean
 class MBeanExporter
          JMX exporter that allows for exposing any Spring-managed bean to a JMX MBeanServer, without the need to define any JMX-specific information in the bean classes.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation

Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation that implement DisposableBean
 class AnnotationMBeanExporter
          Convenient subclass of Spring's standard MBeanExporter, activating Java 5 annotation usage for JMX exposure of Spring beans: ManagedResource, ManagedAttribute, ManagedOperation, etc.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class ConnectorServerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that creates a JSR-160 JMXConnectorServer, optionally registers it with the MBeanServer and then starts it.
 class MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean
          FactoryBean implementation that creates an MBeanServerConnection to a remote MBeanServer exposed via a JMXServerConnector.
 class MBeanServerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that obtains an MBeanServer reference through the standard JMX 1.2 MBeanServerFactory API (which is available on JDK 1.5 or as part of a JMX 1.2 provider).

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3

Classes in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractSessionFactoryBean
          Abstract FactoryBean that creates a Hibernate SessionFactory within a Spring application context, providing general infrastructure not related to Hibernate's specific configuration API.
 class LocalSessionFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that creates a Hibernate SessionFactory.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation

Classes in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation that implement DisposableBean
 class AnnotationSessionFactoryBean
          Subclass of Spring's standard LocalSessionFactoryBean for Hibernate3, supporting JDK 1.5+ annotation metadata for mappings.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class OpenSessionInViewFilter
          Servlet 2.3 Filter that binds a Hibernate Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.orm.jdo

Classes in org.springframework.orm.jdo that implement DisposableBean
 class LocalPersistenceManagerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that creates a JDO PersistenceManagerFactory.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class OpenPersistenceManagerInViewFilter
          Servlet 2.3 Filter that binds a JDO PersistenceManager to the thread for the entire processing of the request.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.orm.jpa

Classes in org.springframework.orm.jpa that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean
          Abstract FactoryBean that creates a local JPA EntityManagerFactory instance within a Spring application context.
 class LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that creates a JPA EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard container bootstrap contract.
 class LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that creates a JPA EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard standalone bootstrap contract.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter
          Servlet 2.3 Filter that binds a JPA EntityManager to the thread for the entire processing of the request.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.remoting.jaxws

Classes in org.springframework.remoting.jaxws that implement DisposableBean
 class SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter
          Simple exporter for JAX-WS services, autodetecting annotation service beans (through the JAX-WS WebService annotation) and exporting them with a configured base address (by default "http://localhost:8080/").

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.remoting.rmi

Classes in org.springframework.remoting.rmi that implement DisposableBean
 class JndiRmiServiceExporter
          Service exporter which binds RMI services to JNDI.
 class RmiRegistryFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that locates a Registry and exposes it for bean references.
 class RmiServiceExporter
          RMI exporter that exposes the specified service as RMI object with the specified name.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class SimpleHttpServerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that creates a simple HTTP server, based on the HTTP server that is included Sun's JRE 1.6.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.scheduling.backportconcurrent

Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.backportconcurrent that implement DisposableBean
 class ScheduledExecutorFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that sets up a JSR-166 backport ScheduledExecutorService (by default: ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as implementation) and exposes it for bean references.
 class ThreadPoolTaskExecutor
          JavaBean that allows for configuring a JSR-166 backport ThreadPoolExecutor in bean style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity" properties), exposing it as a Spring TaskExecutor.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.scheduling.commonj

Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.commonj that implement DisposableBean
 class TimerManagerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that retrieves a CommonJ TimerManager and exposes it for bean references.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz

Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz that implement DisposableBean
 class SchedulerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that sets up a Quartz Scheduler, manages its lifecycle as part of the Spring application context, and exposes the Scheduler reference for dependency injection.
 class SimpleThreadPoolTaskExecutor
          Subclass of Quartz's SimpleThreadPool that implements Spring's TaskExecutor interface and listens to Spring lifecycle callbacks.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.scheduling.timer

Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.timer that implement DisposableBean
 class TimerFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that sets up a Timer and exposes it for bean references.
 class TimerTaskExecutor
          TaskExecutor implementation that uses a single Timer for executing all tasks, effectively resulting in serialized asynchronous execution on a single thread.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class ScriptFactoryPostProcessor
          BeanPostProcessor that handles ScriptFactory definitions, replacing each factory with the actual scripted Java object generated by it.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.transaction.jta

Classes in org.springframework.transaction.jta that implement DisposableBean
 class JotmFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that retrieves the JTA UserTransaction/TransactionManager for ObjectWeb's JOTM.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContext
          AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext subclass which implements the ConfigurableWebApplicationContext interface for web environments.
 class GenericWebApplicationContext
          Subclass of GenericApplicationContext, suitable for web environments.
 class StaticWebApplicationContext
          Static WebApplicationContext implementation for testing.
 class XmlWebApplicationContext
          WebApplicationContext implementation which takes its configuration from XML documents, understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.web.filter

Classes in org.springframework.web.filter that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractRequestLoggingFilter
          Base class for Filters that perform logging operations before and after a request is processed.
 class CharacterEncodingFilter
          Servlet 2.3/2.4 Filter that allows one to specify a character encoding for requests.
 class CommonsRequestLoggingFilter
          Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the Commons Log.
 class DelegatingFilterProxy
          Proxy for a standard Servlet 2.3 Filter, delegating to a Spring-managed bean that implements the Filter interface.
 class GenericFilterBean
          Simple base implementation of Filter which treats its config parameters (init-param entries within the filter tag in web.xml) as bean properties.
 class Log4jNestedDiagnosticContextFilter
          Request logging filter that adds the request log message to the Log4J nested diagnostic context (NDC) before the request is processed, removing it again after the request is processed.
 class OncePerRequestFilter
          Filter base class that guarantees to be just executed once per request, on any servlet container.
 class RequestContextFilter
          Servlet 2.3 Filter that exposes the request to the current thread, through both LocaleContextHolder and RequestContextHolder.
 class ServletContextRequestLoggingFilter
          Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the ServletContext log.

Uses of DisposableBean in

Classes in that implement DisposableBean
 class MultipartFilter
          Servlet 2.3 Filter that resolves multipart requests via a MultipartResolver.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.web.portlet.context

Classes in org.springframework.web.portlet.context that implement DisposableBean
 class AbstractRefreshablePortletApplicationContext
          AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext subclass which implements the ConfigurablePortletApplicationContext interface for portlet environments.
 class StaticPortletApplicationContext
          Static Portlet-based ApplicationContext implementation for testing.
 class XmlPortletApplicationContext
          Portlet-based WebApplicationContext implementation which takes its configuration from XML documents, understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.web.portlet.mvc

Classes in org.springframework.web.portlet.mvc that implement DisposableBean
 class PortletWrappingController
          Controller implementation that wraps a portlet instance which it manages internally.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc

Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc that implement DisposableBean
 class ServletWrappingController
          Spring Controller implementation that wraps a servlet instance which it manages internally.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view

Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view that implement DisposableBean
 class ResourceBundleViewResolver
          ViewResolver implementation that uses bean definitions in a ResourceBundle, specified by the bundle basename.
 class XmlViewResolver
          Implementation of ViewResolver that uses bean definitions in an XML file, specified by resource location.

Uses of DisposableBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles2

Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles2 that implement DisposableBean
 class TilesConfigurer
          Helper class to configure Tiles2 for the Spring Framework.

The Spring Framework

Copyright © 2002-2007 The Spring Framework.