The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.context.event

Support classes for application events, like standard context events.


Interface Summary
ApplicationEventMulticaster Interface to be implemented by objects that can manage a number of ApplicationListeners, and publish events to them.

Class Summary
AbstractApplicationEventMulticaster Abstract implementation of the ApplicationEventMulticaster interface, providing the basic listener registration facility.
ApplicationContextEvent Base class for events raised for an ApplicationContext.
ContextClosedEvent Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets closed.
ContextRefreshedEvent Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets initialized or refreshed.
ContextStartedEvent Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets started.
ContextStoppedEvent Event raised when an ApplicationContext gets stopped.
EventPublicationInterceptor Interceptor that publishes an ApplicationEvent to all ApplicationListeners registered with an ApplicationEventPublisher after each successful method invocation.
SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster Simple implementation of the ApplicationEventMulticaster interface.
SourceFilteringListener ApplicationListener decorator that filters events from a specified event source, invoking its delegate listener for matching ApplicationEvent objects only.

Package org.springframework.context.event Description

Support classes for application events, like standard context events. To be supported by all major application context implementations.

The Spring Framework

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