The Spring Framework

Class AbstractMessageEndpointFactory

  extended by org.springframework.jca.endpoint.AbstractMessageEndpointFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
GenericMessageEndpointFactory, JmsMessageEndpointFactory

public abstract class AbstractMessageEndpointFactory
extends Object
implements MessageEndpointFactory

Abstract base implementation of the JCA 1.5 MessageEndpointFactory interface, providing transaction management capabilities as well as ClassLoader exposure for endpoint invocations.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
protected  class AbstractMessageEndpointFactory.AbstractMessageEndpoint
          Inner class for actual endpoint implementations, based on template method to allow for any kind of concrete endpoint implementation.
Field Summary
protected  Log logger
          Logger available to subclasses
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 MessageEndpoint createEndpoint(XAResource xaResource)
          This implementation delegates to createEndpointInternal(), initializing the endpoint's XAResource before the endpoint gets invoked.
protected abstract  AbstractMessageEndpointFactory.AbstractMessageEndpoint createEndpointInternal()
          Create the actual endpoint instance, as a subclass of the AbstractMessageEndpointFactory.AbstractMessageEndpoint inner class of this factory.
 boolean isDeliveryTransacted(Method method)
          This implementation returns true if a transaction manager has been specified; false otherwise.
 void setTransactionFactory(TransactionFactory transactionFactory)
          Set the Spring TransactionFactory to use for wrapping endpoint invocations, enlisting the endpoint resource in each such transaction.
 void setTransactionManager(Object transactionManager)
          Set the the XA transaction manager to use for wrapping endpoint invocations, enlisting the endpoint resource in each such transaction.
 void setTransactionName(String transactionName)
          Specify the name of the transaction, if any.
 void setTransactionTimeout(int transactionTimeout)
          Specify the transaction timeout, if any.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Log logger
Logger available to subclasses

Constructor Detail


public AbstractMessageEndpointFactory()
Method Detail


public void setTransactionManager(Object transactionManager)
Set the the XA transaction manager to use for wrapping endpoint invocations, enlisting the endpoint resource in each such transaction.

The passed-in object may be a transaction manager which implements Spring's TransactionFactory interface, or a plain TransactionManager.

If no transaction manager is specified, the endpoint invocation will simply not be wrapped in an XA transaction. Check out your resource provider's ActivationSpec documentation for local transaction options of your particular provider.

See Also:
setTransactionName(java.lang.String), setTransactionTimeout(int)


public void setTransactionFactory(TransactionFactory transactionFactory)
Set the Spring TransactionFactory to use for wrapping endpoint invocations, enlisting the endpoint resource in each such transaction.

Alternatively, specify an appropriate transaction manager through the "transactionManager" property.

If no transaction factory is specified, the endpoint invocation will simply not be wrapped in an XA transaction. Check out your resource provider's ActivationSpec documentation for local transaction options of your particular provider.

See Also:
setTransactionName(java.lang.String), setTransactionTimeout(int)


public void setTransactionName(String transactionName)
Specify the name of the transaction, if any.

Default is none. A specified name will be passed on to the transaction manager, allowing to identify the transaction in a transaction monitor.


public void setTransactionTimeout(int transactionTimeout)
Specify the transaction timeout, if any.

Default is -1: rely on the transaction manager's default timeout. Specify a concrete timeout to restrict the maximum duration of each endpoint invocation.


public boolean isDeliveryTransacted(Method method)
                             throws NoSuchMethodException
This implementation returns true if a transaction manager has been specified; false otherwise.

Specified by:
isDeliveryTransacted in interface MessageEndpointFactory
See Also:
setTransactionManager(java.lang.Object), setTransactionFactory(org.springframework.transaction.jta.TransactionFactory)


public MessageEndpoint createEndpoint(XAResource xaResource)
                               throws UnavailableException
This implementation delegates to createEndpointInternal(), initializing the endpoint's XAResource before the endpoint gets invoked.

Specified by:
createEndpoint in interface MessageEndpointFactory


protected abstract AbstractMessageEndpointFactory.AbstractMessageEndpoint createEndpointInternal()
                                                                                          throws UnavailableException
Create the actual endpoint instance, as a subclass of the AbstractMessageEndpointFactory.AbstractMessageEndpoint inner class of this factory.

the actual endpoint instance (never null)
UnavailableException - if no endpoint is available at present

The Spring Framework

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