The Spring Framework

Uses of Package

Packages that use org.springframework.core.type
org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation Support package for annotation-driven bean configuration. 
org.springframework.context.annotation Annotation support for context configuration, including classpath scanning for autowire candidates. 
org.springframework.core.type Core support package for type introspection. 
org.springframework.core.type.classreading Core support package for type introspection through ASM-based class reading. 
org.springframework.core.type.filter Core support package for type filtering (e.g. for classpath scanning). 

Classes in org.springframework.core.type used by org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation
          Interface that defines abstract access to the annotations of a specific class, in a form that does not require that class to be loaded yet.

Classes in org.springframework.core.type used by org.springframework.context.annotation
          Interface that defines abstract access to the annotations of a specific class, in a form that does not require that class to be loaded yet.

Classes in org.springframework.core.type used by org.springframework.core.type
          Interface that defines abstract access to the annotations of a specific class, in a form that does not require that class to be loaded yet.
          Interface that defines abstract metadata of a specific class, in a form that does not require that class to be loaded yet.
          ClassMetadata implementation that uses standard reflection to introspect a given Class.

Classes in org.springframework.core.type used by org.springframework.core.type.classreading
          Interface that defines abstract access to the annotations of a specific class, in a form that does not require that class to be loaded yet.
          Interface that defines abstract metadata of a specific class, in a form that does not require that class to be loaded yet.

Classes in org.springframework.core.type used by org.springframework.core.type.filter
          Interface that defines abstract metadata of a specific class, in a form that does not require that class to be loaded yet.

The Spring Framework

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