Class TopLinkJpaVendorAdapter

  extended by org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.AbstractJpaVendorAdapter
      extended by org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.TopLinkJpaVendorAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TopLinkJpaVendorAdapter
extends AbstractJpaVendorAdapter

JpaVendorAdapter implementation for Oracle TopLink Essentials. Developed and tested against TopLink Essentials v2.

Exposes TopLink's persistence provider and EntityManager extension interface, and supports AbstractJpaVendorAdapter's common configuration settings.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
EntityManagerFactoryProvider, EntityManager

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  String determineTargetDatabaseName(Database database)
          Determine the TopLink target database name for the given database.
 Class<? extends javax.persistence.EntityManager> getEntityManagerInterface()
          Return the vendor-specific EntityManager interface that this provider's EntityManagers will implement.
 JpaDialect getJpaDialect()
          Return the vendor-specific JpaDialect implementation for this provider, or null if there is none.
 Map<String,Object> getJpaPropertyMap()
          Return a Map of vendor-specific JPA properties, typically based on settings in this JpaVendorAdapter instance.
 javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider getPersistenceProvider()
          Return the vendor-specific persistence provider.
 String getPersistenceProviderRootPackage()
          Return the name of the persistence provider's root package (e.g.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.AbstractJpaVendorAdapter
getDatabase, getDatabasePlatform, getEntityManagerFactoryInterface, isGenerateDdl, isShowSql, postProcessEntityManagerFactory, setDatabase, setDatabasePlatform, setGenerateDdl, setShowSql
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TopLinkJpaVendorAdapter()
Method Detail


public javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider getPersistenceProvider()
Description copied from interface: JpaVendorAdapter
Return the vendor-specific persistence provider.


public String getPersistenceProviderRootPackage()
Description copied from interface: JpaVendorAdapter
Return the name of the persistence provider's root package (e.g. "oracle.toplink.essentials"). Will be used for excluding provider classes from temporary class overriding.

Specified by:
getPersistenceProviderRootPackage in interface JpaVendorAdapter
getPersistenceProviderRootPackage in class AbstractJpaVendorAdapter


public Map<String,Object> getJpaPropertyMap()
Description copied from interface: JpaVendorAdapter
Return a Map of vendor-specific JPA properties, typically based on settings in this JpaVendorAdapter instance.

Note that there might be further JPA properties defined on the EntityManagerFactory bean, which might potentially override individual JPA property values specified here.

Specified by:
getJpaPropertyMap in interface JpaVendorAdapter
getJpaPropertyMap in class AbstractJpaVendorAdapter
a Map of JPA properties, as as accepted by the standard JPA bootstrap facilities, or null or an empty Map if there are no such properties to expose
See Also:
Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(String, java.util.Map), PersistenceProvider.createContainerEntityManagerFactory(javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo, java.util.Map)


protected String determineTargetDatabaseName(Database database)
Determine the TopLink target database name for the given database.

database - the specified database
the TopLink target database name, or null if none found


public JpaDialect getJpaDialect()
Description copied from interface: JpaVendorAdapter
Return the vendor-specific JpaDialect implementation for this provider, or null if there is none.

Specified by:
getJpaDialect in interface JpaVendorAdapter
getJpaDialect in class AbstractJpaVendorAdapter


public Class<? extends javax.persistence.EntityManager> getEntityManagerInterface()
Description copied from interface: JpaVendorAdapter
Return the vendor-specific EntityManager interface that this provider's EntityManagers will implement.

If the provider does not offer any EntityManager extensions, the adapter should simply return the standard EntityManager class here.

Specified by:
getEntityManagerInterface in interface JpaVendorAdapter
getEntityManagerInterface in class AbstractJpaVendorAdapter