Class SimpleHttpServerJaxWsServiceExporter

  extended by org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
      extended by org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.SimpleHttpServerJaxWsServiceExporter
All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanFactoryAware, DisposableBean, InitializingBean

public class SimpleHttpServerJaxWsServiceExporter
extends AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter

Simple exporter for JAX-WS services, autodetecting annotated service beans (through the JAX-WS WebService annotation) and exporting them through the HTTP server included in Sun's JDK 1.6. The full address for each service will consist of the server's base address with the service name appended (e.g. "http://localhost:8080/OrderService").

Note that this exporter will only work on Sun's JDK 1.6 or higher, as well as on JDKs that ship Sun's entire class library as included in the Sun JDK. For a portable JAX-WS exporter, have a look at SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
WebService, Endpoint.publish(Object), SimpleJaxWsServiceExporter

Field Summary
protected  Log logger
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          Immediately publish all endpoints when fully configured.
protected  HttpContext buildHttpContext(Endpoint endpoint, String serviceName)
          Build the HttpContext for the given endpoint.
protected  String calculateEndpointPath(Endpoint endpoint, String serviceName)
          Calculate the full endpoint path for the given endpoint.
 void destroy()
          Stops all published endpoints, taking the web services offline.
protected  void publishEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint, WebService annotation)
          Actually publish the given endpoint.
protected  void publishEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint, WebServiceProvider annotation)
          Actually publish the given provider endpoint.
 void setAuthenticator(Authenticator authenticator)
          Register a common Authenticator to be applied to all detected WebService annotated beans.
 void setBacklog(int backlog)
          Specify the HTTP server's TCP backlog.
 void setBasePath(String basePath)
          Set the base path for context publication.
 void setFilters(List<Filter> filters)
          Register common Filters to be applied to all detected WebService annotated beans.
 void setHostname(String hostname)
          Specify the HTTP server's hostname to bind to.
 void setPort(int port)
          Specify the HTTP server's port.
 void setServer(HttpServer server)
          Specify an existing HTTP server to register the web service contexts with.
 void setShutdownDelay(int shutdownDelay)
          Specify the number of seconds to wait until HTTP exchanges have completed when shutting down the HTTP server.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
publishEndpoints, setBeanFactory, setEndpointProperties, setExecutor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Log logger
Constructor Detail


public SimpleHttpServerJaxWsServiceExporter()
Method Detail


public void setServer(HttpServer server)
Specify an existing HTTP server to register the web service contexts with. This will typically be a server managed by the general Spring SimpleHttpServerFactoryBean.

Alternatively, configure a local HTTP server through the "port", "hostname" and "backlog" properties (or rely on the defaults there).


public void setPort(int port)
Specify the HTTP server's port. Default is 8080.

Only applicable for a locally configured HTTP server. Ignored when the "server" property has been specified.


public void setHostname(String hostname)
Specify the HTTP server's hostname to bind to. Default is localhost; can be overridden with a specific network address to bind to.

Only applicable for a locally configured HTTP server. Ignored when the "server" property has been specified.


public void setBacklog(int backlog)
Specify the HTTP server's TCP backlog. Default is -1, indicating the system's default value.

Only applicable for a locally configured HTTP server. Ignored when the "server" property has been specified.


public void setShutdownDelay(int shutdownDelay)
Specify the number of seconds to wait until HTTP exchanges have completed when shutting down the HTTP server. Default is 0.

Only applicable for a locally configured HTTP server. Ignored when the "server" property has been specified.


public void setBasePath(String basePath)
Set the base path for context publication. Default is "/".

For each context publication path, the service name will be appended to this base address. E.g. service name "OrderService" -> "/OrderService".

See Also:
Endpoint.publish(Object), WebService.serviceName()


public void setFilters(List<Filter> filters)
Register common Filters to be applied to all detected WebService annotated beans.


public void setAuthenticator(Authenticator authenticator)
Register a common Authenticator to be applied to all detected WebService annotated beans.


public void afterPropertiesSet()
                        throws Exception
Description copied from class: AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
Immediately publish all endpoints when fully configured.

Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean
afterPropertiesSet in class AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
Exception - in the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an essential property) or if initialization fails.
See Also:


protected void publishEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint,
                               WebService annotation)
Description copied from class: AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
Actually publish the given endpoint. To be implemented by subclasses.

Specified by:
publishEndpoint in class AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
endpoint - the JAX-WS Endpoint object
annotation - the service bean's WebService annotation


protected void publishEndpoint(Endpoint endpoint,
                               WebServiceProvider annotation)
Description copied from class: AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
Actually publish the given provider endpoint. To be implemented by subclasses.

Specified by:
publishEndpoint in class AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
endpoint - the JAX-WS Provider Endpoint object
annotation - the service bean's WebServiceProvider annotation


protected HttpContext buildHttpContext(Endpoint endpoint,
                                       String serviceName)
Build the HttpContext for the given endpoint.

endpoint - the JAX-WS Provider Endpoint object
serviceName - the given service name
the fully populated HttpContext


protected String calculateEndpointPath(Endpoint endpoint,
                                       String serviceName)
Calculate the full endpoint path for the given endpoint.

endpoint - the JAX-WS Provider Endpoint object
serviceName - the given service name
the full endpoint path


public void destroy()
Description copied from class: AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter
Stops all published endpoints, taking the web services offline.

Specified by:
destroy in interface DisposableBean
destroy in class AbstractJaxWsServiceExporter