All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for JVM module assertions.
Base Language implementation.
A base controller that uses a InitializrMetadataProvider.
Base class for module assertions.
Base class for project assertions.
Base tester for project generation.
AbstractTextAssert<SELF extends org.assertj.core.api.AbstractStringAssert<SELF>>
Base class for text assertions.
Defines the agent that submitted a request.
Defines the various known agents.
A representation of something that can be annotated.
An annotation.
Define an attribute of an annotation.
Builder for creating an Annotation.
A container for annotations defined on an annotated element.
Configuration for application-related contributions to a generated project.
A SingleResourceProjectContributor that contributes a file to a project.
A Bill of Materials (BOM) definition to be declared in a project's build configuration.
Define a Bill Of Materials to be represented in the generated project if a dependency refers to it.
Builder for a Bill of Materials.
Mapping information.
A BuildItemContainer implementation for boms.
An InfoContributor that exposes the actual ranges used by each bom defined in the project.
Build configuration for a project.
Callback for customizing a project's Build.
A container for items.
Resolve an item of the Build against an identifier.
Resolve metadata information from the build.
Project generation configuration for projects using any build system.
General build settings.
Builder for build settings.
A build system that can be used by a generated project.
A factory for creating a BuildSystem.
Strategy that can be implemented by a BuildSystem that can generate a proper build representation for the project in a single text asset.
Section for list of items using a TemplateRenderer.
Type reference abstraction to refer to a Class that is not available on the classpath.
A fragment of code, potentially containing declarations, or statements.
Strategy interface to customize formatting of generated code block.
Generate help pages for command-line clients.
RestController that handles assistance for CLI support using a CommandLineHelpGenerator.
A compilation unit that represents an individual source file.
Model for a Docker Compose file.
A ComposeFile writer for compose.yaml.
A HelpDocumentCustomizer that provide additional information about the compose services that are defined for the project.
A ProjectContributor that creates a 'compose.yaml' file through a ComposeFile.
A service to be declared in a Docker Compose file.
Builder for ComposeService.
A container for Docker Compose services.
Condition that matches when a generated project will use a particular BuildSystem.
Condition that matches when a generated project will use a particular major version of Gradle.
Condition that matches when a generated project will be written using a particular Language.
Condition that matches when a generated project will use a particular Packaging.
Condition that matches when a generated project is using a matching version of the platform.
Condition that matches when a ProjectDescription defines a particular dependency.
Metadata with a default value.
A default DependencyMetadataProvider implementation.
A default InitializrMetadataProvider that caches the metadata and invokes a InitializrMetadataUpdateStrategy whenever the cache expires.
A MetadataElement that specifies if its the default for a given capability.
A default ProjectAssetGenerator implementation that generates a directory structure with all available project contributors.
A default ProjectDescriptionDiffFactory implementation that creates default ProjectDescriptionDiff instances.
A default ProjectGenerationController that uses a standard ProjectRequest to map parameters of a project generation request.
A default DefaultProjectRequestPlatformVersionTransformer that uses configured ranges to format the version if necessary.
A default ProjectRequestToDescriptionConverter implementation that uses the metadata to set default values for missing attributes if necessary.
A ServiceCapability listing the available dependencies defined as a ServiceCapabilityType.HIERARCHICAL_MULTI_SELECT capability.
A dependency to be declared in a project's build configuration.
Meta-data for a dependency.
Builder for a dependency.
Define the reference to a transitive dependency to exclude.
Map several attribute of the dependency for a given compatibility range.
A Comparator that orders dependencies in a suitable form for being referenced in the build.
A BuildItemContainer implementation for dependencies.
A group of Dependency instances identified by a name.
A BuildCustomizer that configures the Build based on the metadata.
Strategy for resolving a dependency management plugin version from a platform version.
Dependency metadata for a given spring boot Version.
Provide the DependencyMetadata for a given spring boot version.
A DependencyMetadataJsonMapper handling the metadata format for v2.1.
An InfoContributor that exposes the actual ranges used by dependencies defined in the project that have an explicit version (i.e.
The scopes of dependencies supported by project generation.
An item that can describe itself.
Gradle BuildCustomizer that sets the "developmentOnly" configuration for a dependency.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Section that provides links and other important references to get started.
Internal representation of a link.
Project's .gitignore.
Representation of a section of a .gitignore file.
A SingleResourceProjectContributor that contributes a .gitignore file to a project.
Callback for customizing a project's GitIgnore.
Configuration for Git-related contributions to a generated project.
Gradle BuildCustomizer that adds a workaround so that annotation processors are properly detected when using the `annotationProcessor` scope.
Gradle-specific build configuration.
Base class for Gradle build assertions.
ProjectContributor for the project's main build file.
buildscript section of a GradleBuild.
Builder for GradleBuildscript.
Gradle-specific build settings.
Builder for GradleBuildSettings.
Map a plugin identifier to a plugin implementation artifact.
Gradle BuildSystem.
GradleBuild writer abstraction.
A custom Gradle configuration that can be associated to a build.
Gradle BuildCustomizer that creates the necessary configuration.
A container for custom configuration and configuration customizations.
Gradle-specific Dependency.
Builder for a Gradle dependency.
A plugin in a GradleBuild.
A container for gradle plugins.
Configuration for contributions specific to the generation of a project that will use Gradle as its build system.
Base class for Gradle settings assertions.
GradleBuild settings writer abstraction.
A free-form snippet to add to a Gradle build.
A container for Gradle snippets.
A customization for a Gradle task.
An attribute of a task.
A builder for GradleTask.
An invocation of a method that customizes a task.
A container for Gradle tasks.
A Groovy-specific CompilationUnit.
Simple assertions for a gradle build using the Groovy DSL.
A GradleBuild writer for build.gradle.
Simple assertions for a gradle settings using the Groovy DSL.
A GradleBuild writer for settings.gradle.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Declaration of a field written in Groovy.
Groovy Language.
Declaration of a method written in Groovy.
Builder for creating a GroovyMethodDeclaration.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Configuration for contributions specific to the generation of a project that will use Groovy as its language.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Groovy SourceCode.
A SourceCodeWriter that writes SourceCode in Groovy.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
A declaration of a type written in Groovy.
Project's help document intended to give additional references to the users.
Callback for customizing a project's HelpDocument.
ProjectContributor for the project's file.
Configuration for contributions specific to the help documentation of a project.
Default HelpDocument contributors.
A Writer with support for indenting.
A factory for IndentingWriter that provides customizations according to the chosen content.
Settings customizer for IndentingWriterFactory.
Auto-configuration to improve actuator endpoints with initializr specific information.
Auto-configuration to configure Spring initializr.
Various configuration options used by the service.
Defines additional environment settings.
Gradle details.
Kotlin details.
Map several attribute of the dependency for a given compatibility range.
Maven details.
Parent POM details.
Platform-specific settings.
Meta-data used to generate a project.
Builder for InitializrMetadata.
Strategy interface used to customize the InitializrMetadata.
Generate a JSON representation of the metadata.
KotlinVersionResolver that resolves the version from the InitializrMetadata.
Provide the InitializrMetadata to use.
Easily create a InitializrMetadata instance for testing purposes.
A strategy interface for updating the metadata on a running instance.
A InitializrMetadataJsonMapper handling the metadata format for v2.1
A InitializrMetadataJsonMapper handling the metadata format for v2.2
A InitializrMetadataJsonMapper handling the metadata format for v2.
Define the supported metadata version.
Configuration of the initializr service.
A simple element from the properties.
Spring Initializr web configuration.
Thrown when the configuration defines invalid metadata.
Thrown when a ProjectRequest is invalid.
Thrown if a input represents an invalid version.
A Java-specific CompilationUnit.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Declaration of a field written in Java.
Builder for creating a JavaFieldDeclaration.
Java Language.
Declaration of a method written in Java.
Builder for creating a JavaMethodDeclaration.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Configuration for contributions specific to the generation of a project that will use Java as its language.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
A SourceCodeWriter that writes SourceCode in Java.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
A declaration of a type written in Java.
Assertions for a module with code for a particular Language.
A Kotlin-specific CompilationUnit.
Simple assertions for a kotlin build using the kotlin DSL.
A GradleBuild writer for build.gradle.kts.
Simple assertions for a gradle settings using the Kotlin DSL.
A GradleBuild writer for settings.gradle.kts.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Declaration of a function written in Kotlin.
Builder for creating a KotlinFunctionDeclaration.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
A BuildCustomizer that automatically adds "jackson-module-kotlin" when Kotlin is used and a dependency has the "json" facet.
BuildCustomizer for Gradle that configures the JPA Kotlin plugin if a JPA related dependency is present.
A BuildCustomizer for Maven that configures the JPA Kotlin plugin if a JPA related dependency is present.
Kotlin Language.
Basic modifiers for Kotlin.
Configuration for contributions specific to the generation of a project that will use Kotlin as its language.
Commons settings for Kotlin projects.
Declaration of a property written in Kotlin.
Builder for creating a KotlinPropertyDeclaration.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
Kotlin SourceCode.
A SourceCodeWriter that writes SourceCode in Kotlin.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 0.20.0 in favor of CodeBlock
A declaration of a type written in Kotlin.
Strategy for resolving a Kotlin version from a platform version.
Utility that can be used to invoke lambdas in a safe way.
Represents a single callback that can be invoked in a lambda safe way.
Represents a collection of callbacks that can be invoked in a lambda safe way.
The result of a callback which may be a value, null or absent entirely if the callback wasn't suitable.
A language in which a generated project can be written.
A factory for creating a Language.
Metadata for a link.
Generate a json representation for Link.
Callback for customizing the application's main type.
Callback for customizing the application's main compilation unit.
Callback for customizing the application's main source code.
ProjectContributor for the application's main source code.
Maven-specific build configuration.
Assertions for a Maven build.
ProjectContributor to contribute the files for a MavenBuild.
Builder for BuildSettings.
A MavenBuild writer for pom.xml.
Maven-specific Dependency.
Builder for a Maven dependency.
A <developer> in a Maven pom.
Builder for a MavenDeveloper.
Maven <distributionManagement> section.
Describe where to deploy artifacts.
Relocation information of the artifact if it has been moved to a new groupId and/or artifactId.
Information needed for deploying the web site of the project.
A build extension in a @MavenBuild.
A container for maven extensions.
A <license> in a Maven pom.
Builder for a MavenLicense.
Describes how the project may be legally distributed.
The <parent> in a Maven pom.
A plugin in a MavenBuild.
Builder for a MavenPlugin.
A <configuration> on an MavenPlugin.Execution or MavenPlugin.
A <dependency> of a MavenPlugin.
An <execution> of a MavenPlugin.
Builder for an MavenPlugin.Execution.
A container for MavenPlugins.
A profile in a MavenBuild.
Maven profile settings.
A profile activation in a MavenBuild.
File activation settings.
Operating System activation settings.
Property activation settings.
A container for maven profiles.
Configuration for contributions specific to the generation of a project that will use Maven as its build system.
A Maven repository.
A resource of a MavenBuild.
Builder for a resource.
A container for MavenResources.
A version control section of a MavenBuild.
An internal class used to easily translate metadata information to Build items.
A BuildItemResolver that uses the InitializrMetadata to resolve build items against a given platform Version.
A basic metadata element.
A ProjectDescriptionCustomizer that uses the metadata to set default values for missing attributes if necessary.
Assertions for a module.
A ProjectContributor that contributes all of the resources found beneath a root location to a generated project.
A TemplateRenderer using Mustache with a configurable resource prefix.
A mutable implementation of ProjectDescription.
AssertJ AssertProvider for Node assertions.
Maven BuildCustomizer that sets the "optional" flag for a dependency.
Application packaging, such as a jar file or a war file.
A factory for creating a Packaging.
A parameter, typically of a method or function.
Builder for creating a Parameter.
Section that is pre-defined and always present in the document.
Generate project assets using a ProjectGenerationContext.
A tester for project asset that does not detect available contributors and does not register any bean to the context.
A callback for contributing on a generated project.
Description of a project to generate.
Callback for customizing a ProjectDescription.
Provides a convenient API for determining if certain fields on a ProjectDescription were modified.
A factory for ProjectDescriptionDiff.
A factory of project directory.
Event published when an error occurred trying to generate a project.
Event published when a new project has been generated successfully.
Base class for project generation Conditions that rely on the state of the ProjectDescription.
Specialization of Configuration for configuration of project generation, with Configuration.proxyBeanMethods() set to false by default.
Provide configuration and infrastructure to generate a project.
Base RestController that provides endpoints for project generation.
Thrown when a project generation failure occurs.
Invokes the project generation API.
Result of project generation.
Publish stats for each project generated to an Elastic index.
Main entry point for project generation that processes a ProjectDescription by creating a dedicated ProjectGenerationContext with all available ProjectGenerationConfiguration classes.
A tester class for ProjectGenerator.
RestController that exposes metadata and service configuration.
The base settings of a project request.
Define the statistics of a project generation.
Client information.
Dependencies information.
Additional information about what part of the request is invalid.
Invalid dependencies information.
Spring Boot version information.
Create ProjectRequestDocument instances.
Event published when a ProjectRequest has been processed.
Strategy interface to transform the platform version of a ProjectRequest.
Represent a generated project structure and act as an entry point for AssertJ assertions.
A container for properties.
Define a repository to be represented in the generated project if a dependency refers to it.
A HelpDocumentCustomizer that register links for selected dependencies.
Define the section of a document that knows how to write itself.
Defines a capability of the initializr service.
Defines the supported service capability type.
Callback for configuring the generated project's servlet initializer.
Customize the Build as early as possible based on the information held in the ProjectDescription.
A simple BuildItemResolver implementation.
A simple indenting strategy that uses a configurable indent value.
A simple InitializrMetadataProvider implementation.
Commons settings for Kotlin projects.
ProjectContributor that contributes a single file, identified by a resource pattern, to a generated project.
A single select capability.
Representation of application source code.
Project generation configuration for projects written in any language.
A writer for some SourceCode.
Provide dedicated methods for a structure that holds sources.
A BuildCustomizer to configure the Spring Boot plugin and dependency management feature for a GradleBuild.
Controller that provides access to the Spring CLI.
A InitializrMetadataUpdateStrategy that refreshes the metadata with the latest state of the Spring Boot project.
A standard GradlePlugin used in the plugins block.
Statistics-related properties.
Elasticsearch configuration.
Template rendering abstraction.
Callback for customizing the application's test type.
Callback for customizing the application's test source code.
ProjectContributor for the application's test source code.
Assertions for text content.
A text capability.
Text content related test utilities.
Defines a particular project type.
An action capability.
A type declared in a CompilationUnit.
Define a version.
Define the supported version format.
A version qualifier.
Parser for Version and VersionRange that allows to resolve the minor and patch value against a configurable list of "latest versions".
Represents a valid property for a version.
Define a Version range.
A version reference to either a property or an actual version.
A BuildCustomizer that configures the necessary web-related dependency when packaging an application as a war.
A ProjectContributor that creates web-specific directories when a web-related project is detected.
A ProjectRequest with some additional information to identify the request.