Class AbstractJvmModuleAssert<SELF extends AbstractJvmModuleAssert<SELF>>

Type Parameters:
SELF - the type of the concrete assert implementations
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.assertj.core.api.Assert<SELF,Path>, org.assertj.core.api.ComparableAssert<SELF,Path>, org.assertj.core.api.Descriptable<SELF>, org.assertj.core.api.ExtensionPoints<SELF,Path>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractJvmModuleAssert<SELF extends AbstractJvmModuleAssert<SELF>> extends AbstractProjectAssert<SELF>
Base class for JVM module assertions.
Stephane Nicoll
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractPathAssert


    Fields inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert

    actual, info, myself, objects, throwUnsupportedExceptionOnEquals
  • Constructor Summary

    AbstractJvmModuleAssert(Path projectDirectory, Language language, Class<?> selfType)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    hasMainPackage(String packageName)
    Assert that the main source defines the specified package.
    hasMainResource(String resourcePath)
    Assert that the main resources defines the specified resource.
    hasMainSource(String packageName, String name)
    Assert that the main source defines the specified type.
    hasTestPackage(String packageName)
    Assert that the test source defines the specified package.
    hasTestSource(String packageName, String name)
    Assert that the test source defines the specified type.
    mainSource(String packageName, String name)
    Assert that the main source defines the specified type and return an assert for it, to allow chaining of text-specific assertions from this call.
    testSource(String packageName, String name)
    Assert that the test source defines the specified type and return an assert for it, to allow chaining of text-specific assertions from this call.

    Methods inherited from class io.spring.initializr.generator.test.project.AbstractProjectAssert

    containsDirectories, containsFiles, doesNotContainDirectories, doesNotContainFiles, file, filePaths, textFile

    Methods inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractPathAssert

    binaryContent, content, content, doesNotExist, endsWith, endsWithRaw, exists, existsNoFollowLinks, hasBinaryContent, hasContent, hasDigest, hasDigest, hasDigest, hasDigest, hasExtension, hasFileName, hasFileSystem, hasNoExtension, hasNoParent, hasNoParentRaw, hasParent, hasParentRaw, hasSameBinaryContentAs, hasSameContentAs, hasSameContentAs, hasSameFileSystemAs, hasSameTextualContentAs, hasSameTextualContentAs, hasSize, isAbsolute, isCanonical, isDirectory, isDirectoryContaining, isDirectoryContaining, isDirectoryNotContaining, isDirectoryNotContaining, isDirectoryRecursivelyContaining, isDirectoryRecursivelyContaining, isEmptyDirectory, isEmptyFile, isExecutable, isNormalized, isNotEmptyDirectory, isNotEmptyFile, isReadable, isRegularFile, isRelative, isSymbolicLink, isWritable, startsWith, startsWithRaw, usingCharset, usingCharset

    Methods inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractComparableAssert

    inBinary, inHexadecimal, isBetween, isEqualByComparingTo, isGreaterThan, isGreaterThanOrEqualTo, isLessThan, isLessThanOrEqualTo, isNotEqualByComparingTo, isStrictlyBetween, usingComparator, usingComparator, usingDefaultComparator

    Methods inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractObjectAssert

    as, as, doesNotReturn, extracting, extracting, extracting, extracting, extracting, extracting, extractingForProxy, getComparatorsByType, hasAllNullFieldsOrProperties, hasAllNullFieldsOrPropertiesExcept, hasFieldOrProperty, hasFieldOrPropertyWithValue, hasNoNullFieldsOrProperties, hasNoNullFieldsOrPropertiesExcept, hasOnlyFields, isEqualToComparingFieldByField, isEqualToComparingFieldByFieldRecursively, isEqualToComparingOnlyGivenFields, isEqualToIgnoringGivenFields, isEqualToIgnoringNullFields, newObjectAssert, returns, usingComparatorForFields, usingComparatorForType, usingRecursiveAssertion, usingRecursiveAssertion, usingRecursiveComparison, usingRecursiveComparison

    Methods inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert

    areEqual, asInstanceOf, asList, assertionError, asString, describedAs, descriptionText, doesNotHave, doesNotHaveSameClassAs, doesNotHaveSameHashCodeAs, doesNotHaveToString, equals, extracting, extracting, failure, failureWithActualExpected, failWithActualExpectedAndMessage, failWithMessage, getWritableAssertionInfo, has, hashCode, hasSameClassAs, hasSameHashCodeAs, hasToString, is, isElementOfCustomAssert, isEqualTo, isExactlyInstanceOf, isIn, isIn, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOfAny, isInstanceOfSatisfying, isNot, isNotEqualTo, isNotExactlyInstanceOf, isNotIn, isNotIn, isNotInstanceOf, isNotInstanceOfAny, isNotNull, isNotOfAnyClassIn, isNotSameAs, isNull, isOfAnyClassIn, isSameAs, matches, matches, newListAssertInstance, overridingErrorMessage, overridingErrorMessage, satisfies, satisfies, satisfies, satisfiesAnyOf, satisfiesAnyOf, satisfiesAnyOfForProxy, satisfiesForProxy, setCustomRepresentation, setDescriptionConsumer, setPrintAssertionsDescription, throwAssertionError, withFailMessage, withFailMessage, withRepresentation, withThreadDumpOnError

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface org.assertj.core.api.Descriptable

    as, describedAs
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractJvmModuleAssert

      protected AbstractJvmModuleAssert(Path projectDirectory, Language language, Class<?> selfType)
  • Method Details

    • hasMainPackage

      public SELF hasMainPackage(String packageName)
      Assert that the main source defines the specified package.
      packageName - the name of the package
      this assertion object
    • hasMainSource

      public SELF hasMainSource(String packageName, String name)
      Assert that the main source defines the specified type.
      packageName - the name of a package
      name - the name of the type
      this assertion object
    • mainSource

      public TextAssert mainSource(String packageName, String name)
      Assert that the main source defines the specified type and return an assert for it, to allow chaining of text-specific assertions from this call.
      packageName - the name of a package
      name - the name of the type
      a TextAssert for the specified source
    • hasMainResource

      public SELF hasMainResource(String resourcePath)
      Assert that the main resources defines the specified resource.
      resourcePath - the path of a resource relative to the resources directory
      this assertion object
    • hasTestPackage

      public SELF hasTestPackage(String packageName)
      Assert that the test source defines the specified package.
      packageName - the name of the package
      this assertion object
    • hasTestSource

      public SELF hasTestSource(String packageName, String name)
      Assert that the test source defines the specified type.
      packageName - the name of a package
      name - the name of the type
      this assertion object
    • testSource

      public TextAssert testSource(String packageName, String name)
      Assert that the test source defines the specified type and return an assert for it, to allow chaining of text-specific assertions from this call.
      packageName - the name of a package
      name - the name of the type
      a TextAssert for the specified source