Uses of Class

Packages that use OsgiWarDeploymentException
org.springframework.osgi.web.deployer Classes supporting deployment of web application into the OSGi platform. Deployer support package. 

Uses of OsgiWarDeploymentException in org.springframework.osgi.web.deployer

Methods in org.springframework.osgi.web.deployer that throw OsgiWarDeploymentException
 WarDeployment WarDeployer.deploy(Bundle bundle, String contextPath)
          Deploys the given bundle as a WAR using the given context path.
 void WarDeployment.undeploy()
          Undeploys the current deployment.

Uses of OsgiWarDeploymentException in

Methods in that throw OsgiWarDeploymentException
 WarDeployment AbstractWarDeployer.deploy(Bundle bundle, String contextPath)
          Deploys the given bundle as a WAR using the given context path. Breaks down (and logs appropriately) the deployment process into: creation of the deployment start-up of the deployment Any exception thrown during each step, is wrapped into OsgiWarDeploymentException.

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