4.4 Programmatic Access to Personality-specific Features

Module personalities typically provide automatic access to features specific to the personality via custom manifest headers or other configuration mechanisms. There may be situations, however, for which programmatic access to such features is desirable or necessary. This section describes how to programmatically access personality-specific features from application code in a module.

Programmatic Access to Web Personality Features

Programmatic Access to the WebApplicationContext

The SpringSource dm Server automatically creates a WebApplicationContext for Web Modules and appropriately configured Shared Services WARs which have Spring-DM powered ApplicationContext XML configuration files. For Web Modules in particular, a WebApplicationContext will be created which is typically used in conjunction with an auto-configured Spring MVC DispatcherServlet. In such scenarios, there is generally no need to access the WebApplicationContext programmatically, since all components of the web application are configured within the scope of the WebApplicationContext itself. For Shared Services WARs, or for Web Modules which do not directly rely on Spring MVC, you can alternatively access the Spring-DM powered WebApplicationContext via the web application's ServletContext. The Web Personality subsystem stores the bundle's WebApplicationContext in the ServletContext under the attribute name "BSN-ApplicationContext", where BSN is the Bundle-SymbolicName of your Shared Services WAR or Web Module. Thus, for a Web Module, you can use Spring MVC's WebApplicationContextUtils' getWebApplicationContext(servletContext, attributeName) method (or other means) to programmatically retrieve a reference to the WebApplicationContext, which is an instance of ServerOsgiBundleXmlWebApplicationContext. For Shared Services WARs, you can programmatically retrieve the WebApplicationContext directly from the ServletContext.

Alternatively, since the Web Personality subsystem also stores the WebApplicationContext under the attribute name with the value of the WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE constant, you may choose to use Spring MVC's WebApplicationContextUtils' getWebApplicationContext(servletContext) or getRequiredWebApplicationContext(servletContext) methods to access the WebApplicationContext without providing an explicit attribute name.

Programmatic Access to the BundleContext

Similar to programmatic access to the ApplicationContext as described above, you can access the BundleContext of your Shared Services WAR or Web Module via the web application's ServletContext. The Web Personality subsystem stores the bundle context under the attribute name with the value of the ServerOsgiBundleXmlWebApplicationContext.BUNDLE_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE constant.


ServerOsgiBundleXmlWebApplicationContext resides in the com.springsource.server.web.dm package which is automatically imported in your Web Module's or Shared Services WAR's bundle manifest.