4.5 Automatic Imports

The SpringSource dm Server generates automatic package imports (e.g., via the Import-Package manifest header) for various module personalities. This section lists which packages are automatically generated for each personality.

Automatic Imports for the Web Personality

All deployment artifacts supported by the Web personality (i.e., all WAR variants and Web Modules) will have the following packages automatically added to their bundle manifest via the appropriate Import-Package statements.

  • com.springsource.server.web.dm
  • javax.annotation
  • javax.annotation.security
  • javax.ejb
  • javax.el
  • javax.management
  • javax.management.loading
  • javax.management.modelmbean
  • javax.management.monitor
  • javax.management.openmbean
  • javax.management.relation
  • javax.management.remote
  • javax.management.remote.rmi
  • javax.management.timer
  • javax.naming
  • javax.naming.directory
  • javax.naming.event
  • javax.naming.ldap
  • javax.naming.spi
  • javax.net
  • javax.net.ssl
  • javax.persistence
  • javax.rmi
  • javax.rmi.CORBA
  • javax.rmi.ssl
  • javax.servlet
  • javax.servlet.http
  • javax.servlet.jsp
  • javax.servlet.jsp.el
  • javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core
  • javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt
  • javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql
  • javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.tlv
  • javax.servlet.jsp.resources
  • javax.servlet.jsp.tagext
  • javax.servlet.resources
  • javax.xml.ws
  • org.apache.el
  • org.apache.el.lang
  • org.apache.el.parser
  • org.apache.el.util

In addition, to ensure compatibility for existing, standard Java EE WARs, the dm Server automatically imports all packages exported by the OSGi system bundle, excluding any packages which begin with "org.eclipse" or "com.springsource". The resulting set of filtered system bundle exports will be automatically imported for all WAR variants but not for Web Modules; however, for all web deployment artifacts it is recommended that all known dependencies be explicitly specified in MANIFEST.MF via the appropriate Import-Package statements.

[Tip]System Bundle Package Exports

For further details on which packages are exported by the OSGi system bundle, consult the server.profile file located in the SERVER_HOME/lib directory which corresponds to the version of the JVM on which the dm Server is running (e.g., java5-server.profile or java6-server.profile).